A provisional checklist of mosses (Bryophyta) of Friendship Park (Finland)


  • Margarita A. Boychuk Karelian Research Centre of RAS
  • Gergely Várkonyi Finnish Environment Institute SYKE


We provide the first moss checklist of Friendship Park (Kainuu Region, Finland). Data from both own field collections and the literature are compiled. 164 species are listed in total, of which 79 are representing new species records for Friendship Park. Hedwigia mollis and Plagiothecium rossicum are reported for the first time from Finland. Most encountered moss species (75%) are widespread in Finland. Seven species occurring in Friendship Park are listed in the 2019 Red List of Finnish Species: Buxbaumia viridis (EN), Callicladium haldanianum (NT), Hamatocaulis vernicosus (NT), Schistostega pennata (VU), Sphagnum contortum (NT), S. inundatum (EN) and S. subnitens (NT). Further five species, Fontinalis dalecarlica (NT), Helodium blandowii (NT), Scorpidium scorpioides (NT), Splachnum ampullaceum (NT) and Tomentypnum nitens (NT), are included in the 2019 European Red List. The moss species diversity of Friendship Park is compared with that of the adjacent Kostomuksha Strict Nature Reserve (Russia). The total moss species richness of Friendship Park is assessed using nonparametric estimators. It is concluded that the moss species diversity of Friendship Park is relatively well known.


Margarita A. Boychuk, Karelian Research Centre of RAS

Institute of Biology

Gergely Várkonyi, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE

Friendship Park Research Centre




Referera så här

Boychuk, M. A., & Várkonyi, G. (2022). A provisional checklist of mosses (Bryophyta) of Friendship Park (Finland). Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 98. Hämtad från https://journal.fi/msff/article/view/122352


