Veljet vai veljet ja sisaret? Inklusiivisten raamatunkäännösten haasteet ja mahdollisuudet
Uusi testamentti 2020, Uusi testamentti, Raamatunkäännös, Inklusiivinen raamatunkäännös, Inklusiivinen kieli, Sukupuolineutraaliuus, UT2020Abstract
Brothers or Brothers and Sisters? Advantages and Disadvantages of Inclusive Bible Translations — Inclusive language has become a norm for most major Bible translations produced in recent decades. The newest New Testament translation into Finnish (UT2020) is no exception to this rule. This article discusses different types of inclusive language, including gender-neutral, gender-sensitive, and gender-accurate language, analysing the choices made in the new Finnish translation. Compared to many inclusive translations in the English- and German-speaking worlds, the Finnish translation is moderate in its use of gender-inclusive language. Many of the challenges inherent in translations into Indo-European languages (such as English, German and Swedish) are absent from the Finnish translation, because there is no grammatical gender in Finnish. Nevertheless, translation always entails choices, including those pertaining to gender terminology.