
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The authors have rights to use all material presented in the manuscript (figures, tables etc.)
  • Authors comply with ethical standards, and any conflicts of interest are disclosed.
  • I give permission that the manuscript can be checked against plagiarism and improper usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) application (see Author Guidelines).
  • Potential reviewers (from 1 to 3) for the Submission are suggested in "Comments for the Editor" field, including the name, email, institution and arguments why he or she would be suitable.
  • The manuscript includes needed sections (presented in the author guidelines), full names and email addresses of all authors are provided and the corresponding author is clearly indicated.
  • The submission file is in editable format (Microsoft Word, LaTeX).

Author Guidelines

TRIBOLOGIA -Finnish Journal of Tribology is a journal publishing both practical and scientific articles related to wear, friction and lubrication. They are preferably written in English, but Finnish, Swedish and German languages are also accepted.

Manuscript submission
Manuscripts are submitted using the journal’s online submission system Authors need to Register and Log in prior to submission. Please read first the About the Journal page for the Journal's policies. Before submission, read these Author Guidelines carefully. Please provide full names (forename and surname) in its entirety and email addresses of all authors in the OJS and clearly indicate the corresponding author.

You can follow the process of your article in the OJS-system. The messaging relating to your manuscript is mainly done within the OJS. Please use the message feature of the system to send e-mail messages.

Please follow the steps of the “Make a New Submission”. Select proper section for your manuscript (typically “Peer reviewed articles”). Manuscripts are typically allocated to “Article Text" in Article Components selection.

If applicable, please add the funding information of the research in the submission phase of your manuscript in the "Add Funder" form.

The usage of an AI application (eg. ChatGPT) is only accepted for using as an aid in improving the readability and language of the manuscript. If this is done, it must be indicated which application or model has been used and in what way. It may be possible that a statement of the usage of AI is added to the manuscript in the copyedit. The manuscript may be checked against improper usage of AI.

Contents and formatting
Manuscripts must be in editable format (Microsoft Word or LaTeX).

Please use good English (American or British is accepted, but not a mixture).

The text should be preferably divided into the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Experimental procedure or Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References. Numbering of the sections and headings is not needed, but different levels of the headings and subheadings should be clear.

The name of the author(s) and the institute/company with postal address must be given. In addition, the name, email, and the phone number, if possible, of the corresponding author are given. From three to five keywords are listed and these must be equal to the keywords added to the OJS-system.

The figures and tables should be enclosed in the text (i.e. not at the end of the document). Equations and tables should be numbered sequentially and referred in the text. Each table should have title above it and each figure should have title below. The size of fonts in the figures should be adequate and the resolution of the images should be at least 300 dpi. Please note that the figures will be automatically printed grayscale in the hard copy of a issue. If you wish to have figures (one or more) in colour in the printed form, it is possible for an additional charge. Please contact for details. Articles in the electronic form will be in colour, if applicable.

Vectors and matrixes should be clearly marked using text (i.e., presenting as a figure is not allowed). For decimals, points should be used (not commas). Hyphenation of text is not allowed. In addition, excessive formatting must be avoided.

The references are collected to a reference list numbered in the order of their first appearance in the manuscript. The corresponding number is presented in square brackets in the text. DOI-numbers, if available, have to be added in the bibliography in the form: (please follow accurately the form, i.e. add in front of.

After acceptance
If your manuscript is accepted, you will be contacted and asked comments about the proof of your article. The accepted particle will get an DOI-number. The article is published in printed and electronic form.

Privacy Statement

Finnish Journal of Tribology is concerned about privacy and is committed to protecting your data carefully. We value our relationship with you and recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of your personal information.

As part of the manuscript submission and peer review processes, Finnish Journal of Tribology will require your email address and contact information. The email address you provide as part of the process will be used to contact you regarding submissions, reviews, services, and accounts.

Your contact information is disclosed only to the editors and technical staff of the journals included in the Open Journal System and are strictly kept within that circle. Finnish Journal of Tribology does not sell or rent any personally identifiable information to Third Parties. We may, however, disclose information in special cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is reasonably necessary to: comply with the law, enforce or apply our terms of business, protect our rights and those of our users, or with your consent.

Please read the Privacy Policy.
The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and the journal are joint controllers. Their respective responsibilities are described in the document.