Foreword No 1−2 (2021)


  • Vuokko Heino


Dear Readers,

We are hoping that you have had successful first half of this year. It is almost time for summer holidays, and we are happy to deliver you our latest issue.

Our publishing work is enabled by the Finnish Society for Tribology. Our society also acknowledges the doctoral thesis published in the field of tribology. In this issue we are introducing the doctoral thesis by PhD Tommi Varis, who was also recently granted by our society. Congratulations to him!

Since our latest issue, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers has awarded the Gold Medal for Tribology to Professor Bharat Bhushan. He has contributed five decades to improve our knowledge in tribology, being pioneer in the tribology of magnetic storage devices, bio-/nanotechnology, cosmetics and biomimetics, nanotribology and green tribology. All the best to Professor Bhushan.

We have received many interesting studies related to tribology from our valuable authors. We would like to also thank our reviewers for their valuable work for evaluating our publishing work. Next year will be our 40th anniversary, it is time for celebrations and also have some overview on the history of Tribologia.

We hope that you stay safe and enjoy reading our latest issue!

Vuokko Heino





How to Cite

Heino, V. (2021). Foreword No 1−2 (2021). Tribologia - Finnish Journal of Tribology, 38(1–2), 3. Retrieved from