Foreword No 3−4 (2021)


  • Vuokko Heino


Dear Readers,

We are hoping that you have had successful year. It is almost the end of the year 2021, and we are happy to deliver You our latest issue.

Next year will be our 40th anniversary, it is time for celebrations and also have some overview on the history of Tribologia during forthcoming issues. The story has began in the year 1982, when the Finnish Society for Tribology started publishing Tribologia. The very first Editor-in-Chief was Dr. Eng Heikki Sundqvist. During the years, the editorial work has been changed a lot with the assistance of several different software which enables faster editorial process with significant help for example in pre-evaluation of the papers before the actual reviewing process. However, this also means that authors are also expecting faster approach. We are constantly developing our processes towards more smooth operation which is also very useful mode in operation of many tribological components. Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing has granted our journal for improving the electronic publishing.

We hope that we will be able to organize 40th Anniversary Seminar during the next year either as live event or hybrid mode seminar. The announcement of the seminar will be given in the early 2022.  

We have received many interesting studies related to tribology from our valuable authors. We would like to also thank our reviewers for their valuable work for evaluating our publishing work. 

We hope that you have relaxing holiday season and enjoy reading our latest issue!

Vuokko Heino




How to Cite

Heino, V. (2021). Foreword No 3−4 (2021) . Tribologia - Finnish Journal of Tribology, 38(3−4), 3. Retrieved from