Foreword No 1−2 (2019)


  • Vuokko Heino VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd


Dear Readers,

As Year 2019 is soon passing by and Year 2020 knocking on the door with Nordtrib arranged in Norway at Geiranger with the spectacular views. It will be hosted by the joint effort of NTNU and SINTEF and the Norwegian Tribology Center (NTC). Nordtrib is well-known Nordic Symposium on Tribology held biennially in one of the Nordic countries; Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. It was originally hosted in Tampere, Finland in 1984. Next conference will be devoted to show the impact of women in tribology.

While waiting the next Nordtrib, we have collected extended abstracts from our Finnish Fellow Tribologists presented in last Nordtrib 2018 in Uppsala, Sweden and they are now published in our latest special issue. Our latest issue is double issue involving the Nordtrib Special Issue and the section with peer-reviewed full-length articles we have had pleasure to receive.

During this year, we also had some editorial changes in our journal as I started working as Editor-in-Chief. Many thanks to our previous Editor-In-Chief for all the efforts she had done during past years.

Wish You All Merry Christmas and All the Best for the Year 2020,

Vuokko Heino
Editor-in-Chief of Finnish Journal of Tribology




How to Cite

Heino, V. (2019). Foreword No 1−2 (2019). Tribologia - Finnish Journal of Tribology, 36(1–2), 3. Retrieved from