Un pionero en los estudios de árabe marroquí: el P. Fr. Patricio José de la Torre. Refranes y adagios


  • Francisco Moscoso García


Patricio de la Torre was an agustinian of El Escorial who travelled in 1798 with two disciples to Morocco for studying Moroccan Arabic in order to educate Spanish Interpreters to the Diplomatic Relations. All his work was not published coming back in 1802 because of the invasion of French Troops. One of them is a collection of proverbs and adages. We present in this article the travel of the friar and the studies that he did with the critical edition of the proverbs and adages.



How to Cite

Moscoso García, F. (2011). Un pionero en los estudios de árabe marroquí: el P. Fr. Patricio José de la Torre. Refranes y adagios. Studia Orientalia Electronica, 111, 185–250. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/store/article/view/9313