Osaamisen arviointi ammattikorkeakoulussa - Mittarin kehittäminen sähköisten sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palveluiden opetukseen


  • Outi Maria Ahonen Laurea Ammattikorkeakoulu
  • Ulla-Mari Kinnunen Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tietohallinto, Sosiaali- ja terveysjohtamisen laitos, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Kuopio
  • Kaija Saranto Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tietohallinto, Sosiaali- ja terveysjohtamisen laitos, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Kuopio


competence, information management, health service, social work, multiprofessionality


The purpose of this study was to validate a measurement tool to evaluate the competence of students at the University of Applied Sciences (UAS) in the development of digital health and social care services. The aim of this study was to describe the view of UAS teachers regarding the knowledge, skills and competences that all UAS social and health care students, information technology (IT) engineers, business and business economics students need to know about developing digital services after graduation. The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) has drawn up recommendations for the biomedicine and health information (BMHI) curriculum, and the service design skills descriptions had been used as a reference framework for assessing the competence of students that is now evaluated by Finnish, Estonian and Latvian teachers in an expert group (n = 17). The evaluation took place on a four-step Likert scale, from unimportant to important, as well as unsuitable to suitable. The measurement tool was in English. These included the sum of the content validity index of the entire form (S-CVI/Ave) and the competence content-validity indexes (I-CVI), whose acceptance limit was determined by 0.80 acording to the literature. After the evaluation, 82 competence sentences were omitted from 35 competence sentences to describe the students’ competence. The importance of the S-CVI/Ave was initially 0.84, and after removing the sentences, it was 0.94. The S-CVI/Ave was initially 0.72, and after removal, it was 0.91. The multidisciplinary team assessed the importance and suitability of the students’ competences in their own fields, which reduced the number of competence sentences based on the content validity index. Consequently, this research demonstrates that teachers do not require the same broad range of expertise as stated by international recommendations. The validation of the measurement tool will be continued by studying the views of the teachers of University of Applied Sciences at national level on the need for competence of students at the Bachelor level.


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How to Cite

Ahonen, O. M., Kinnunen, U.-M., & Saranto, K. (2019). Osaamisen arviointi ammattikorkeakoulussa - Mittarin kehittäminen sähköisten sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palveluiden opetukseen. Finnish Journal of EHealth and EWelfare, 11(1-2), 10–24. https://doi.org/10.23996/fjhw.74411