National Health IT reform in Norway


  • Roald Bergstrøm NTNU – Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology; The Norwegian Directorate of Health, Trondheim/Oslo


e-health, Electronic Medical Record, health system, standards, Ambient Assisted Living


Norway started with eHealth and telemedicine many years ago back in the nineties. Almost every GP has had an electronic medical record for the last 20 years. In 1997 we got the first action plan for e-health and this plan has been followed up every 2and year with new action plans.  The Government is committed to eHealth and we will introduce many new services both for the health sector and for the citizens in the coming years. Our latest  e-health plan called “One Citizen – One record” has an ambitious goal to give each citizen access to their own electronic medical record.  eHealth is a very important tool for the development of the future modern Norway


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Bergstrøm, R. (2013). National Health IT reform in Norway. Finnish Journal of EHealth and EWelfare, 5(4), 172–176. Noudettu osoitteesta