Students' Views and Experiences in Interdisciplinary Group Work on a Course Combining Mathematics, Arts, Architecture, and Design
Mathematics is everywhere. Therefore, mathematics can also be studied from many perspectives, not only with pen and paper, starting from definitions and proceeding to prove theorems. In this article, the context for learning mathematics is an interdisciplinary university course at the intersection of mathematics, arts, architecture, and design. The course utilizes group work as the pedagogical approach; students are divided into heterogeneous, multidisciplinary groups at the beginning of the course, and they work in the same groups for five months. We present their views and experiences on elements of successful group work in learning mathematics on an interdisciplinary course, and examine the challenges encountered by students in their group work.
How to Cite
Kangaslampi, R., & Peltonen, K. (2024). Students’ Views and Experiences in Interdisciplinary Group Work on a Course Combining Mathematics, Arts, Architecture, and Design . FMSERA Journal. Retrieved from
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