About the Journal

Helsinki Law Review is published and edited by Finnish undergraduate law students. Its primary purpose is to provide Finnish law students with a forum for practicing their skills in academic writing and assessment as well as an opportunity to follow and participate in the work of their peers and seniors.

The Review is published twice a year. The Review is prepared to publish articles and other contributions in Finnish, Swedish, and English. English abstracts are provided for content not fully written in English. The Review is available for subscription for organisations, and printed copies are distributed for free at law student's association Pykälä ry's office (Mannerheimintie 3 B 5, 00100 Helsinki).

Helsinki Law Review is supervised and counselled by an Academic Council that consists of a num­ber of senior academic staff members in the University of Helsinki Faculty of Law. Each article is evaluated anonymously by two referees chosen among academic professionals. A referee evaluating an article written by an undergraduate student is advised of the author’s background.

The Review may be cited as Hel. L. Rev.