Developing a Multi-Touch Map Application for a Large Screen in a Nature Centre


  • Mikko Rönneberg
  • Tapani Sarjakoski
  • L. Tiina Sarjakoski


The paper describes the development of a research prototype of a multi-touch map application for multi-use on a large multi-touch screen intended for a nature centre. The presented system and the development steps provide insight into what can be expected when similar systems are designed. A number of new considerations regarding multi-touch interaction, map browsing, and user needs for multi-use have been taken into account during the challenging ongoing development. These considerations include making a simple user interface used with intuitive, continuous and simultaneous gestures for map browsing, and taking different kinds of users and their needs to interact with each other into account. Since multi-user map applications in multi-touch environments are still rare, the given considerations may be helpful for the future development of similar map applications intended for public spaces.




How to Cite

Rönneberg, M., Sarjakoski, T., & Sarjakoski, L. T. (2014). Developing a Multi-Touch Map Application for a Large Screen in a Nature Centre. Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, 10(1). Retrieved from



Received 2014-04-15
Accepted 2014-04-15
Published 2014-04-15