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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Current Call for Papers:

XLIV International VAKKI Symposium under the theme of "Diversity in communication" was organized on February 8–9, 2024 in Vaasa, Finland. All presenters of the Symposium are invited to submit a proposal for an article to be included in the upcoming issue. Full-length manuscripts are expected by May 13, 2024.

  1. Since papers are blind peer-reviewed, the manuscript should not contain any identifying marks. Cite your own previous work(s) as you would cite the works of other authors. Make sure your profile information in the portal is up to date.
  1. Manuscripts must not exceed 14 pages (including figures, tables, but not references and one appendix). Plenary paper manuscripts must not exceed 20 pages (including figures, tables, but not references and one appendix). Make sure the paper size is set as A4.
  1. Please use 1.15 (14 pt) line spacing. The font should be set to Calibri (12 pt). Set the width of all margins (left, right, top and bottom) to 3 cm. Please use page numbering and place the numbers at the bottom of the page, in the center.
  1. The first page of the manuscript must contain the title of the paper (18 pt font), the abstract in English (only in English, regardless of the language of the paper), and 3–5 keywords (in the same language as the article, in alphabetical order) characterizing the text. The font used for the abstract and keywords should be Calibri (10 pt), and the line spacing should be set to 1. The maximum length of the abstract is 15 lines. The article itself should start on page 2.
  1. Use numbered headings for different parts of the article, e.g. 1 Background and Aims, 2 Material, 3 Method etc. In English headings, capitalize the first letter of every content word.
  1. Do not indent the first lines of paragraphs: leave a blank line between paragraphs instead. Do not use hyphenation at the end of lines. Turn off automatic hyphenation in your word processor.
  1. Please mark direct quotations by using quotation marks. Direct quotations longer than 3 lines and all longer examples should be given as indented (1 cm) paragraphs (10 pt font, line spacing: 1). If you give examples, please number them consecutively: (1), (2), (3)… Brackets are used only in connection with the example itself, not when referring to the example in the text.
  1. Illustrations, graphics, tables, etc. should be included in the paper itself, in a relevant place, (i.e. do not send them separately as file attachments) and their captions should be placed below the figure/table. Please number all illustrations, graphics and tables etc. consecutively, and always refer to them in the text using the number in question.
  1. Use italics or bold for emphasis; avoid underlining.
  1. Avoid using footnotes (10 pt font, line spacing: 1). Do not use endnotes.
  1. If you present examples that are in language(s) other than the article is written in, please provide your own translations of the examples and either place both language versions in the text or list the originals in an Appendix (at the end of the paper).
  1. The referencing system used in VAKKI publications is based on the Harvard/CBE system. Please see the examples below for details.
  • References in the text:
    • Sihvonen (2016), in a paper on...
    • Villi (2012a: 620) states that...
    • Further exploration of this aspect may be found in many sources (e.g. Kangasharju, Säntti & Piekkari 2010: 13; Aaltonen 2005: 190).
  1. References at the end of the text (Works Cited) should be arranged alphabetically according to the author's last name (10 pt font, line spacing: 1, indentation: hanging 1 cm). Italicize the titles of books and journals as instructed below.
  • Books:
    • Bhatia, V. K. (2004). Worlds of written discourse: A genre-based view. Continuum.
  • Articles in journals:
  • Articles in edited volumes:
    • Nuopponen, A. (2000). Satelliter och system – att integrera begreppssystem i terminologiarbetet. I: A. Nuopponen, B. Toft & J. Myking (Red.). I terminologins tjänst. Festskrift för Heribert Picht på 60-årsdagen. Vasa universitet. 128–145.
    • Van De Mieroop, D. (2020). Applying the Narrative Dimensions Model. In: H. Hirsto, M. Enell-Nilsson, H. Kauppinen-Räisänen & N. Keng (Eds.). Workplace Communication III. VAKKI Publications 12. 14–31. Available at: (cited 31.3.2020).
    • If your article is in
      • Finnish, use: Teoksessa/Toim.
      • Swedish, use: I/Red.
      • English, use: In/Ed./Eds.
      • German, use: In/Hrsg.
  1. If a DOI exists for a cited source, it must be given in the form of a clickable link. If you cite any online sources that do not have a DOI or URN, please provide the link together with Saatavilla: URL (lainattu pp.kk.vvvv) / Tillgänglig: URL (citeradåååå) / Available at: URL (cited / Abrufbar unter: URL (zitiert TT.MM.JJJJ). Make sure all links work!
  1. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use copyrighted material.
  1. Authors are responsible for checking that all references are correctly listed.
  1. Please get the text proofread before submitting the manuscript.
  1. VAKKI Publications 16 will be published electronically at

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