Suomen kieli maahanmuuttajien työssä ja työhönotossa pk-yritysten näkökulmasta
maahanmuuttajat, pk-yritykset, työyhteisöviestintä, suomi toisena kielenäAbstract
This article discusses Finnish as a second language in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises in Western Finland. The aim was to examine what kind of Finnish skills employers expect from foreign jobseekers and workers, especially in relation to professional tasks in the business sector. The data was collected in 30 enterprises, in which people working in human resources were interviewed. The analysis of the data is based on the concept of organizational communication (Juholin 2007; 2011). The results show that Finnish language skills are considered important in the recruiting process itself, in receiving actual information from outside the enterprise as well as in participating in the work community. Lack of these Finnish skills is connected to causing various challenges and extra work in the workplace.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.