Raha puhuu englantia? Kielipolitiikka suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden sijoittajasivuilla
kieli-ideologia, kielipolitiikka, sijoittajaviestintä, yritysten verkkosivutAbstract
This study examines which languages are used on investor websites of Finnish listed companies, and considers what language choice reveals about the companies’ attitudes on language and on investors as a key stakeholder group. The data consists of 27 investor websites of Finnish companies listed on OMX Helsinki. The analysis shows that the most used language profile on the investor websites is a bilingual profile combining Finnish and English. Monolingual profiles are rare, as are profiles combining three languages. The study compares the contents of different language versions of bilingual and trilingual investor websites and analyses the causes for possible differences. The results show that both implicit and explicit language policies are involved on the investor websites. There are also signs of power-sharing via language, as well as signs of different target groups’ influence on language choices.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.