Die Stimme J.V. Snellmans im finnischen Hochschulreformdiskurs. Eine diskursanalytische Studie


  • Ewald Reuter Universität Tampere


Snellman, Humboldt, Diskursanalyse, Inhaltsanalyse, Hochschulreform, akademische Freiheit, Einheit von Forschung und Lehre


In this study, I utilise discourse analysis to determine what ends the supporters and opponents of the current Finnish university reform try to achieve when referring to J. V. Snellman's text "On academic studies" (1940). A short contextualising exegesis reveals that two ideals central to Snellman's concept of academic education are "unity of research and teaching" and "academic freedom", which are conceived of in terms of the "self-determination" of teachers and students. Moreover, it is clear that the "relationship between university and society" constitutes a decisive difference between Snellman's and Humboldt's ideals of academic education. The discourse analysis proves that supporters of the Finnish university reform defend the reorganisation of Finnish universities along economic lines when referring to Snellman's concept of the "unity of research and teaching". Critics of the reform, on the other hand, continually point out that the elimination of Snellman's concept of "academic freedom" from the reformed universities results in a number of severe negative consequences. Overall, the results of the discourse analysis suggest that the supporters of the Finnish university reform covertly aim to substitute the utilitarian-pragmatist "Atlantic university ideal" for the humanist "continental European university ideal".

