Tekstilajin tajua testaamassa: teekkareiden kirjoittamien kieltävien rekrytointivastausten funktionaalinen rakenne


  • Esa Laihanen Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulu


funktionaalinen rakenne, hylkäyskirje, jaksoanalyysi, kieltävä rekrytointivastaus, tekstilajin taju, tekstilajitietoisuus


This work examines genre knowledge (i.e. understanding of the traits and norms of the text type or genre) of Finnish students of engineering on the basis of rejection letters produced during a university-level writing course (Finnish as mother tongue). The students' genre knowledge of rejection letters (N=53) was assessed by analysis of the functional structures used. Swalesian genre theory (moves and steps) was used in the analysis. Six different moves were identified and classified into sub-categories (steps). Textual analysis of the functional structures utilized by the university students showed that the writers had some sense of the genre of rejection letters. It is concluded that knowledge of the genre of rejection letters and typical functional structures of such texts are relevant issues that should be considered when researching and teaching literacy skills for working life.

