Työelämätaidot ja teknisen viestinnän osaaminen: käytettävyystestaus yritysprojektina


  • Tytti Suojanen Tampereen yliopisto


käytettävyys, käytettävyystestaus, projektioppiminen, tekninen viestintä, työelämätaidot


Working life skills as part of university education have been emphasized in recent years. The interface between the workplace and academia has also been in the foreground in technical communication since the early days of the field. One way of enhancing the working life perspective is project-based learning. In 2018, we conducted a project together with two company partners at Tampere University, the aim of which was to test the usability of their user instructions. Usability is an important competence in the field of technical communication. This article focuses on the workplace skills that technical communication students acquired during the project. In addition, the article discusses usability skills that the students gained. The material consists of the students’ course feedback and their final project reports. The analysis reveals that the students gained a wide variety of workplace skills such as project, teamwork and communication skills, and through combining theory and practice, they learned about the complexity of usability and usability testing.

