Lärarstuderandes förståelse av språklig mångfald som en del av den relationella kompetensen


  • Jenny Haagensen Åbo Akademi


lärarutbildning, relationell kompetens, språkmedvetenhet


Initial teacher education in Europe is facing a joint challenge in preparing student teachers for diversity and for relational challenges they later face in the profession. This study aims to explore which relational aspects mainstream student teachers associated to linguistic diversity as a part of an observation assignment during their second teacher practicum. The study is part of an Erasmus+ Key Action 3 project, Listiac, coordinated by Åbo Akademi University in Finland. A total of 46 student teachers participated in the study. Data were collected from an observation assignment and audio-recorded group discussions connected to a teacher practicum, and analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results reveal six discourses relating to relational aspects mainstream student teachers associated to linguistic diversity. Based on the results, the importance of developing teacher education regarding linguistic diversity and relational competence are stressed, in order to prepare students for the diversity of society and the relationships the profession comprises.

