Tekstilajin tajua kyselemässä: Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden kokemuksia, käsityksiä ja arviointia hylkäyskirjeistä


  • Esa Laihanen LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu


diskurssianalyysi, hylkäyskirje, kyselytutkimus, sisällönanalyysi, suhtautumisen teoria, tekstilajin taju, tekstilajitietoisuus


This article reports on a questionnaire that examined the experiences and perceptions of Finnish university students (students of engineering, N=26; and polytechnic students of business, N=25) regarding rejection letters sent to job applicants. In the questionnaire, students answered open questions and evaluated a number of anonymized rejection letters from the reader´s perspective. Both rejection letters produced by genuine companies and letters written by students on a written communication course were evaluated. Content and discourse analysis were utilized in analysis of student responses. The results showed that students have at least some understanding of the characteristics and functional structures of the genre of the rejection letter. The respondents expected functional interaction (interpersonality, courtesy and personalization), certain substantive, stylistic and linguistic functionalities, explanations and feedback, as well as a future orientation and motivation of the applicant. Although personalization and feedback were desired, feedback that was too detailed or somehow criticized the applicant or his/her merits was perceived as offensive and when found in student-generated rejection letters unrealistic. The results are valuable for teaching literacy skills and text awareness for working life, as well as when examining the effects of recruitment processes on employer image.

