Digital Documentation in Architecture

Methods of analysis for the preservation and development of the Nordic Built Heritage


  • Sara Porzilli University of Oulu



Digital Documentation, Cultural Heritage, Digital Survey, World Heritage Convention, Conservation Charters, Value and Authenticity


This article presents the ambitious potentialities in the use of digital methods and techniques for the documentation of the Nordic architectural heritage and environment.  The processes of knowledge, both theoretical and practical, should not ignore the traces of the past, old buildings and traditional constructions.  On the contrary, they should serve as a testimony of the past and provide a solid starting point for new, more coherent, sustainable and harmonic urban development.

Since the Venice Charter in 1965 up to the more recent international documents such as the Declaration of Amsterdam in 1975 and the Madrid Document in 2011, both the verification of authenticity and understanding of architectural entities and details are getting more insight because of the current technological advancements.  However, the methods for the analysis and following these noble principles and declaration articles is still not defined well enough.  Each method and practical procedure with specific instruments produce also specific outputs and results, which need to be put in mutual dialogue in order to obtain useful results.  These themes are studied and developed in this article by presenting chosen case studies in research projects both on the urban and singular scale with the location in Oulu, Finland.





Porzilli, S. (2021). Digital Documentation in Architecture: Methods of analysis for the preservation and development of the Nordic Built Heritage. Architectural Research Finland, 4(1), 56–75.



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