Tables of Content

Vol. 57 (2023)

  • Heikki SOLIN: "Holger Thesleff 4.12.1924–3.10.2023 in memoriam", pp. 9–16.
  • Lee FRATANTUONO: "Virgil’s Snatcher She-Wolf: Harpalyce, Camilla, and Female Lycanthropy in the Aeneid", pp. 17–46.
  • Boris HOGENMÜLLER: "Catulls Mamurra als Sapphos Andromeda: Zur Intertextualität von Catull. carm. 41/43 und Sappho fr. 57/55 LP", pp. 47–64.
  • András KÁRPÁTI: "Dancing for Dionysos: Notes on a New Paestan Vase in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest", pp. 65–102.
  • Christian LAES: "Aunts and the Roman Family: Materterae and Amitae in Latin Inscriptions", pp. 103–156.
  • Olli SALOMIES: "Observations on the Order of the Consuls in Consular Dates between Augustus and Diocletian", pp. 157–188.
  • Heikki SOLIN: "Analecta Epigraphica 344–349", pp. 189–216.
  • Ioannis P. STAMOULAKIS: "A Critical and Interpretative Proposal on Herodas 3,75–76", pp. 217–228.
  • Heiko ULLRICH: "Der Dichter Anser: Eine Indizienkette rund um Catull. 68,157f.", pp. 229–240.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 241–292.
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 293–296.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 297–302.
  • Index scriptorum, p. 303.


Vol. 56 (2022)

  • Maxwell HARDY: "Ovid’s Public Poetry: Tristia 5,1,23–4", pp. 9–26.
  • Paul HOSLE: "An 'Ars Poetica' Acrostic in a Poem by Albertino Mussato", pp. 27–32.
  • Ilkka KUIVALAINEN: "From Affection to Violence: The Treatment of Animals in Pompeian Sculpture", pp. 33–56.
  • Tuomo NUORLUOTO: "An Unpublished Latin Inscription from Castelnuovo di Porto Including a New Nomen with the Suffix-aienus", pp. 57–64.
  • Włodzimierz OLSZANIEC: "A Corruption in Ciris 530?", pp. 65–68.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: "A Note an a Helmeted Marble Head in a Finnish Art Museum", pp. 69–82.
  • Olli SALOMIES: "Latin cognomina in -illianus (Addendum) and Nomina in -inus", pp. 83–100. 
  • Heikki SOLIN: "Analecta Epigraphica 341–343", pp. 101–110.
  • Jyri VAAHTERA: "Bibulus and the Hieromenia (ἱερομηνία) of 59 BC", pp. 111–126.
  • Jamie VESTERINEN: "Generals' Dreams before Battle: An Overview of a Recurring Motif in Ancient Historiography (4th c. BC – 3rd c. AD)", pp. 127–188.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 189–254.
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 255–258.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 259–266.
  • Index scriptorum, p. 267.


Vol. 55 (2021)

  • Silvia GAZZOLI: "Marmorare, incrustare: Lessico tecnico nell’epigrafia dell’Italia Romana", pp. 9–32.
  • Thomas J. GOESSENS: "Another Spanish Alienum in Canterbury? New Insights on RIB 2324", pp. 33–50.
  • Kyle HELMS: "An Unread Safaitic Graffito from Pompeii", pp. 51–54.
  • Wolfgang HÜBNER: "Ketos und Kepheus bei Arat. 629–652", pp. 55–84.
  • Lassi JAKOLA: "Corpses, Living Bodies and Stuffs: Pre-Platonic Concepts of σῶμα", pp. 85–126.
  • Urpo KANTOLA: "Miszellen zu römischen Namen in griechischen Inschriften und Papyri", pp. 127–132.
  • Abuzer KIZIL, Linda TALATAS and Didier LAROCHE: "Honorific Statue Base for the Demos of the Mylaseans at Euromos", pp. 133–142. 
  • Maria PANAGIOTOPOULOU: "The Children of Hephaestus: Some Thoughts on the Female Power over Patriarchal Masculinity", pp. 143–158.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: "Forgotten and Unknown – Classical Bronzes from the National Museum of Finland", pp. 159–192.
  • Olli SALOMIES: "A Group of Romans in Ephesus in 35 BC", pp. 193–220.
  • Kirsi SIMPANEN: "The Symbolism behind the Draco Standard", pp. 221–246.
  • Heikki SOLIN: "Analecta Epigraphica 335–340", pp. 247–254.
  • Heiko ULLRICH: "Textkritische Bemerkungen zu Echtheit und Stellung von Lucr. 1,136–148", pp. 255–280.
  • Eeva-Maria VIITANEN: "Pompeian Electoral Notices on Houses and in Neighborhoods? Re-Appraisal of the Spatial Relationships of Candidates and Supporters", pp. 281–318.
  • Manfredi ZANIN: "The Domitii Ahenobarbi in the Second Century BCE", pp. 319–336.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 337–440.
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 441–444.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 445–456.
  • Index scriptorum, p. 457–458.


Vol. 54 (2020)

  • Christer BRUUN: “Transfer of Property in an Ostian Professional Corpus: Sexti Sextili and Lucii Iulii among the lenuncularii in CIL XIV 251, and a Possible Effect of the ‘Antonine Plague’”, pp. 9–32.
  • Ann BRYSBAERT, Irene VIKATOU & Hanna STÖGER: “Highways and Byways in Mycenaen Greece: Human-environment Interactions in Dialogue”, pp. 33–94.
  • Gabriel EVANGELOU: “Strategies of Reconciliation in Cicero’s Private and Public Life”, pp. 95–122.
  • Paolo GAROFALO: “Romolo e i katharmoi per la morte di Tito Tazio: presso la ‘selva’ o la ‘porta’ Ferentina? (note di storia e topografia romana)”, pp. 123–140.
  • Antti IJÄS: “Greek Papyri of Pragmatic Literature on Combat Technique (P. Oxy. III 466 and LXXIX 5204)”, pp. 141–166.
  • Kai JUNTUNEN: “The Incident at Elegia: The Meaning of στρατόπεδον in Ioannes Xiphilinus’ Epitome of Cassius Dio (S.297,14–21)”, pp. 167–196.
  • Nikoletta KANAVOU: “Two Rare Names from Inscriptions in the Archaeological Museum of Messenia”, pp. 197–200.
  • Tuomo NUORLUOTO: “The Nomenclature of (Claudia) Livia, ‘Livilla’”, pp. 201–206.
  • Tristan POWER: “The Text of Catullus 6,12–14”, pp. 207–212.
  • Dimitris ROUMPEKAS: “Aloe in th Greek Papyri of Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt: A Contribution Concerning the Aloe Supply and Use in Antiquity”, pp. 213–226.
  • Olli SALOMIES: “Some Eloquent Imperial Senators”, pp. 227–240.
  • Heikki SOLIN: “Analecta Epigraphica 331–336”, pp. 241–256.
  • Kaius TUORI: “Breaking Chairs: Sella Curulis in Roman Law, Identity and Memory”, pp. 257–284.
  • Eeva-Maria VIITANEN: “Painting Signs in Ancient Pompeii: Contextualising scriptores and Their Work”, pp. 285–332.
  • Mark JANSE: “The Sociolinguistic Study of Ancient Greek and Latin: Review Article”, pp. 333–356.
  • Kaius TUORI: “Spatial Theories and the Study of Ancient (Roman) Urbanism: Review Article”, pp. 357–378.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 379–436.
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 437–438.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 439–441.
  • Index scriptorum, p. 442.


Vol. 53 (2019)

  • Tommi ALHO: “In sulphuream Papistarum conspirationem exercitia: Retelling the Gunpowder Plot at the King’s School, Canterbury (1665–84)”, pp. 9–36.
  • Antonio CRISÀ: “After a Trip: The Effects of Augustus’s Propaganda in Sicily through Historical, Numismatic and Archaeological Sources”, pp. 37–68.
  • Urpo KANTOLA: “Bemerkungen zu griechischen Inschriften mit römischen Namen”, pp. 69–82.
  • Christian LAES: “Lectors in the Latin West: The Epigraphical Evidence (c. 300–800)”, pp. 83–128.
  • Jenna RICE: “Just Rage: Causes of the Rise in Violence in the Eastern Campaigns of Alexander the Great”, pp. 129–156.
  • Ronald RIDLEY: “Vicit disciplina militaris, vicit imperii maiestas? Livy 8.30–35”, pp. 157–184.
  • Olli SALOMIES: “Latin Cognomina Ending in -illianus”, pp. 185–210.
  • Heikki SOLIN: “Analecta Epigraphica 327–330”, pp. 211–218.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: “Words or Sounds? Ancient Grammarians on Interjections”, pp. 219–246.
  • Ian WORTHINGTON: “Augustus’ Annoyance with Athens”, pp. 247–254.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 255–309.
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 310–312.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 313–315.
  • Index scriptorum, p. 316.


Vol. 52 (2018)

  • Mireille CORBIER: “Nouvelle lecture d'une inscription de Mâcon (Matisco) (Saône-et-Loire, France)”, pp. 11–15. 
  • Gianluca DE MARTINO: “A Multicultural Approach to the Study of the Cult of Hera in Poseidonia/Paestum, pp. 17–39.
  • Richard DUNCAN-JONES: “The Antonine Plague Revisited, pp. 41–72.
  • Hilla HALLA-AHO: “Left-dislocation, Subordinate Clauses and the Stylistic Difference between Plautus and Terence”, pp. 73–94.
  • George HOLLENBACK: “The Problems in the Vitruvian Hodometer Revisited, pp. 95–98
  • Mika KAJAVA & Urpo KANTOLA: “A Funerary Inscription from Northern Mesopotamia, pp. 99–101.
  • Arthur KEAVENEY: “Notes on Plutarch: ”Comparison Lysander–Sulla 2,5–7 and 5,5”, pp. 103–118.
  • Georgios E. MOURATIDIS: “The Political Vocabulary of the Imperial-period Greek Elite; Some Notes on the Title ἀξιολογώτατος”, pp. 119–135.
  • Tiziano OTTOBRINI: “Cirillo di Gerusalemme e le catechesi 12 e 13 nella basilica costantiniana (348 p.Ch.): verso una mistagogia sindonica, pp. 137–155.
  • Olli SALOMIES: “A Fourth-Century Inscription from Abritus in Moesia Secunda, pp. 157–165.
  • Kaj SANDBERG & Jasmin LUKKARI: “Equestrian Fortunes and Roman Imperialism, pp. 167–190.
  • Heikki SOLIN: “Analecta Epigraphica 322–326”, pp. 191–198.
  • Kaius TUORI: “Pliny and the Uses of the Aerarium Saturnias an Administrative Space, pp. 199–230.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 231–270. (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 271–272.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 273–276.
  • Index scriptorum, p. 277.


Vol. 51 (2017)

  • Heikki SOLIN: “Rolf Westman in Memoriam”, pp. 9–12.
  • Ria BERG: “Toiletries and Taverns. Cosmetic Sets in Small Houses, Hospitia and Lupanaria at Pompeii”, pp. 13–49.
  • Maurizio COLOMBO: “Il prezzo dell'oro dal 300 al 325/330 e ILS 9420 = SupplIt V 253–255 nr. 3”., pp. 41–61.
  • Lee FRATANTUONO: “Pallasne Excurrere Classe: ”Minerva in the Aeneid”, pp. 63–88.
  • Janne IKÄHEIMO, Jari-Matti KUUSELA & Eero JARVA: “Buried Under? Re-examining the Topology and Geology of the Allia Battlefield”, pp. 89–109.
  • Boris KAYACHEV: “Ciris 204: an Emendation”, pp. 111–113.
  • Olli SALOMIES: “An Inscription from Pheradi Maius in Africa (Ae 1927, 28 = ILTun. 25)”, pp. 114–133.
  • Umberto SOLDOVIERI: “Una nuova dedica a Iuppiter da Pompei e l'origine di L. Ninnius Quadratus, tribunus plebis 58 a.C”, pp. 135–146.
  • Divna SOLEIL: “Héraclès le premier mélancolique : Origines d'une figure exemplaire”, pp. 147–166)
  • Heikki SOLIN: “Analecta Epigraphica 319–321”, pp. 167–177.
  • Holger THESLEFF: “Pivotal Play and Irony in Platonic Dialogues”, pp. 179–220.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 221–276 (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 277–279
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 281–285
  • Index scriptorum, pp. 286


Vol. 50 (2016)

  • Michel ABERSON: ”Sicile, 10–100 av. J.-C. : ’Varius’ et ’Salvius’, hommes libres ou esclaves en révolte ?”, pp. 9–20.
  • Christer BRUUN: ”Abschied von einer römischen ‚Tänzerin‘ in Germania Inferior. Bemerkungen zur Identität von Polla Matidia aus Asciburgium”, pp. 21–34.
  • Giovanbattista GALDI: ”Alcune considerazioni sull'uso di incipio nel latino imperiale e tardo”, pp. 35–58.
  • Thomas GOESSENS: ”’Titulum non Repperi’: The Identification of an Alienum in Canterbury. With a Missing Inscription from Mérida (RIB 2328* = CIL II 585)”, pp. 59–72.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”A Note on the Dedication N.I.Olympia 33B”, pp. 73–78.
  • Urpo KANTOLA – Tuomo NUORLUOTO: ”Female tria nomina and Social Standing in Late Republican and Early Imperial Periods”, pp. 79–106.
  • Stephen O'CONNOR: ”Some Observations on Pay for Athenian Military Forces at Potidaea (432–430/29 B.C.) and in Sicily (415–413 B.C.)”, pp. 107–124.
  • Loukas PAPADIMITROPOULOS: ”Sappho's ‘Tithonus Poem’: The Solace of Immortality”, pp. 125–132.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”The Nomenclature of the Poet Ausonius”, pp. 133–142.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta Epigraphica 312–318”, pp. 143–176.
  • Harold TARRANT: ”Removing the Inserenda”, pp. 177–186.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 187–262 (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 263–266.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 267–271.
  • Index scriptorum, p. 272.


Vol. 49 (2015)

  • Maurizio COLOMBO: ”Lancea pugnatoria e minores subarmales. Contributo all'esegesi linguistica di Tab. Luguval. 16 (AE 1998, 839)”, pp. 9–23.
  • Jaime CURBERA: ”The Jews in North Africa. Five Notes”, pp. 25–32.
  • Šime DEMO: ”Painting the New Reality: Colours in Neo-Latin”, pp. 33–55.
  • Seppo HEIKKINEN: ”From Persius to Wilkinson: The Golden Line Revisited”, pp. 57–77.
  • Urpo KANTOLA: ”Neulesungen römischer Namen auf griechischen Inschriften”, pp. 79–93.
  • Laura NISSIN: ”Sleeping Culture in Roman Literary Sources”, pp. 95–133.
  • Ari SAASTAMOINEN: ”Visual Language of Latin Building Inscriptions. The Case of North Africa”, pp. 135–160.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Making Sense of a tabula patronatus from Amiternum of AD 325 (AE 1937, 119)”, pp. 161–194.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCCVI–CCCXI”, pp. 195–267.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 269–333. (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 335–337.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 339–342.
  • Index scriptorum, p. 343.


Vol. 48 (2014)

  • Neil ADKIN: ”Some Recent "Improvements" to the Text of Jerome's Letter 52, ‘On Sacerdotal Lifestyle’”, pp. 11–23.
  • Necip Fikri ALICAN: ”Rethought Forms: How Do They Work?”, pp. 25–55.
  • Luigi ARATA: ”Usi medici dell'Anagyris foetida nella medicina greca”, pp. 57–65.
  • Christer BRUUN: ”True Patriots? The Public Activities of the *Augustales of Roman Ostia and the summa honoraria”, pp. 67–91.
  • Giuseppe CAMODECA: ”Un nuovo consularis Byzacenae di tardo IV secolo e i Tannonii di Puteoli”, pp. 93–107.
  • Antonio CORSO: ”Retrieving the Style of Cephisodotus the Younger”, pp. 109–136.
  • Lee FRATANTUONO: ”Saevit medio in certamine: Mars in the Aeneid”, pp. 137–163.
  • Seppo HEIKKINEN: ”Copy-paste Metrics? Lupus of Ferrières on Boethius”, pp. 165–183.
  • Panu HYPPÖNEN: ”4π = 12.5? – The Problems in the Vitruvian Hodometer”, pp. 185–204.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Two Greek Documents on Bronze (IG XIV 954; IG XIV 955 = IGUR 4)”, pp. 205–209.
  • Tua KORHONEN: ”Some Steps Towards Plato's Ecopolitics in the Laws”, pp. 211–227.
  • Antti LAMPINEN: ”Fragments from the 'Middle Ground' – Posidonius' Northern Ethnography”, pp. 229–259.
  • Jari PAKKANEN: ”A Reappraisal of the First Publication of Stirrup Jar Inscriptions from Tiryns by Johannes Sundwall: Photographs, Lost Sherds and the 'a-nu-to/no-di-zo Workshop'”, pp. 261–277.
  • Giorgos C. PARASKEVIOTIS: ”Verg. ecl. 6,13–30. Mimic Humour in Silenus' Scene”, pp. 279–293.
  • Elina PYY: ”In Search of Peer Support: Changing Perspectives on Sisterhood in Roman Imperial Epic”, pp. 295–318.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Some Published, But Not Very Well Known Latin Inscriptions”, pp. 319–346.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCXCII– CCCI”, pp. 347–413.
  • Pietro VERZINA: ”L'esordio ἦν ὅτε (Cypria fr. 1,1 Bernabé) e le sue connotazioni narrative”, pp. 415–433.
  • Ville VUOLANTO: ”Children in the Roman World: Cultural and Social Perspectives. A Review Article”, pp. 435–450.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 451–574. (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 575–579.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 581–586.
  • Index scriptorum, pp. 587–588.


Vol. 47 (2013)

  • Necip Fikri ALICAN – Holger THESLEFF: ”Rethinking Plato's Forms”, pp. 11–47.
  • Ann BRYSBAERT: ”Set in Stone? Socio-Economic Reflections on Human and Animal Resources in Monumental Architecture of Late Bronze Age Tiryns in the Argos Plain, Greece”, pp. 49–96.
  • Gualtiero CALBOLI: ”A propos de l'ode d'Horace 4,9, en défence de Marcus Lollius. Quelques observations”, pp. 97–110.
  • Ulrike EHMIG: ”Risikobewältigung bei Schwangerschaft und Geburt in der römischen Antike: lateinische dokumentarische und archäologische Zeugnisse”, pp. 111–129.
  • Rudolf HAENSCH: ”Von Poppaea zu Pulcheria – Das Bemühen um göttlichen Beistand bei der Geburt eines kaiserlichen Nachfolgers”, pp. 131–151.
  • Kai JUNTUNEN: ”The Arrogant Armenian – Tiridates (Bagratuni) in Cassius Dio and Movses Khorenats'i”, pp. 153–172.
  • Nikolaos KÄLVIÄINEN: ”Levels of Style in Byzantine Greek and the Role of Syntactic Complexity: A Quantitative Analysis of the Sentence Structure of Three Early Byzantine Hagiographic Texts”, pp. 173–198.
  • Antonio PISTELLATO: ”Gaius Caesar, or the Ideal Non-Princeps: A Tiberian Issue”, pp. 199–217.
  • Ari SAASTAMOINEN: ”Physical and Visual Characteristics of Latin Building Inscriptions. The Case of North Africa”, pp. 219–242.
  • Elina M. SALMINEN – Mika KAJAVA: ”Myrrhine's Ball Revisited”, pp. 243–255.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”A Note on the Speeches of the Prosecutors in Cicero's pro Milone 35–6”, pp. 257–263.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCLXXXV–CCXCI”, pp. 265–300.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 301–391. (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 393–397.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 399–402.
  • Index scriptorum, pp. 403–404.


Vol. 46 (2012)

  • Luigi ARATA: ”Erbe leporine nella medicina greca antica”, pp. 9–18.
  • Christer BRUUN: “New Prosopographical Data Derived from Roman Lead Pipe Inscriptions”, pp. 19–31.
  • Robert CONNAL: ”Rational Mutiny in the Year of Four Emperors”, pp. 33–52.
  • Ulrike EHMIG – Rudolf HAENSCH: ”Harmonia mundi – Eine indigene Gottheit, griechische Mythologie und römische Übernahme”, pp. 53–58.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”wa-no (KN Ch 5724)”, pp. 59–63.
  • Tua KORHONEN: ”On Human-Animal Sexual Relationships in Aelian's Natura Animalium”, pp. 65–77.
  • Miika KUHA: ”Note intorno alla tradizione manoscritta di Chronica Venetiarum di Benintendi de' Ravagnani”, pp. 79–94.
  • Christian LAES: ”Latin Inscriptions and the Life Course. Regio III (Bruttium and Lucania) as a Test Case”, pp. 95–113.
  • Mika RISSANEN: ”The Hirpi Sorani and the Wolf Cults of Central Italy”, pp. 115–135.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”The Nomina of the Samnites. A Checklist”, pp. 137–185.
  • Federico SANTANGELO: ”Sullanus and Sullani”, pp. 187–191.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCLXXII–CCLXXXV”, pp. 193–237.
  • Margarita SOTIRIOU: ”Bacchylides Behind His Metamorphoses: The Poetic Identity of a Lyric Narrator in the late 5th century BC”, pp. 193–237.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 253–343. (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 345–349.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 351–359.
  • Index scriptorum, pp. 361–362.


Vol. 45 (2011)

  • Neil ADKIN: ”Virgil's Wooden Horse: Which Wood?”, pp. 11–26.
  • Margherita CARUCCI: ”Domestica Bona on Stage in the Pompeian House: on Viewing and Reading the Story of Pero and Mycon”, pp. 27–44.
  • Francesca CERRONE: ”... τὸν Πλαυτιανόν, καὶ ἐς αὐτοὺς τοὺς αὐτοκράτορας, ἰσχύσαι ..." (Dio 76,14,6): ancora un'iscrizione onoraria per il prefetto del pretorio Plauziano”, pp. 45–57.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”]pa-ko-qe (KN Ch 5728): A New Ox Name from Knossos?”, pp. 59–70.
  • Fabrice POLI: ”Deux épitaphes latines conservées à l'abbaye royale de Chaalis (collection Jacquemart-André)”, pp. 71–75.
  • Elina PYY: ”The Conflict Reconsidered: Cleopatra and the Civil War in the Early Imperial Epic”, pp. 77–102.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Observations on the New Decree from Copia Thurii (AE 2008, 441)”, pp. 103–122.
  • Samuel SCOLNICOV: ”After Irony: Reading Plato Seriously”, pp. 123–131.
  • Morris SILVER: ”Antonine Plague and Deactivation of Spanish Mines”, pp. 133–142.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCLXV–CCLXXI”, pp. 143–170.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 171–286. (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 287–292.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 293–310.
  • Index scriptorum, pp. 311–312.


Vol. 44 (2010)

  • Neil ADKIN: ”Harts and Hedges: Further Etymologizing in Virgil's First Eclogue”, pp. 9–23.
  • Luigi ARATA: ”Un litotrittico antico della medicina greca: il Lithospermumofficinale, o colombina”, pp. 25–33.
  • Miguel BOBO de la Peña: ”A Note on Ptol. Harm. 102,6 Düring”, pp. 35–39.
  • Christer BRUUN: ”Onomastics, Social History and Roman Lead Pipes”, pp. 41–65.
  • Margherita CARUCCI: ”The Statue of Heracles Promakhos at Thebes: A Historical Reconstruction”, pp. 67–80.
  • Maurizio COLOMBO: ”Iovii Cornuti, auxiliarii miliarenses equites e Hiberi: Correzioni testuali ed esegetiche a tre epigrafi tardoantiche di militari romani”, pp. 81–98.
  • Antonino CRISÀ: ”A Letter of Michele Schiavo Describing a Coin of Didia Clara (Palermo, 18th Century)”, pp. 99–108.
  • Guillaume FLAMERIE DE LACHAPELLE: ”L'image des rois hellénistiques dans l'oeuvre de Florus”, pp. 109–122.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Φλεγυᾶν and the Phlegyans, with a Note on μόρφνος φλεγύας (Hes. Sc. 134)”, pp. 123–132.
  • Timo KORKIAKANGAS: ”Neutro plurale e femminile singolare: il fattore grafico nell'interpretazione delle peculiarità della declinazione tardolatina”, pp. 133–145.
  • Tuomo LANKILA: ”Hypernoetic Cognition and the Scope of Theurgy in Proclus”, pp. 147–170.
  • Carlo M. LUCARINI: ”Osservazioni sul testo di Procopio di Gaza”, pp. 171–180.
  • Elina PYY: ”Decus Italiae Virgo – Virgil's Camilla and the Formation of Romanitas”, pp. 181–203.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Aedilicius, Consularis, Duumviralis and Similar Titles in Latin Inscriptions”, pp. 205–229.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCLIX–CCLXIV”, pp. 231–261.
  • Juha-Pekka TUPPI: ”Traffic Bottlenecks in South Etruria? Comparing the Archaic Road Cutting Widths with Ancient Vehicles”, pp. 263–288.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 289–381. (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 383–388.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 389–403.
  • Index scriptorum, pp. 405–406.


Vol. 43 (2009)

  • Eugenio AMATO: ”Note esegetico-testuali a Dione di Prusa V: Sull'abito (or. LXXII)”, pp. 9–19.
  • Luigi ARATA: ”Breve storia del tecolito, con particolare riferimento alla medicina greca”, pp. 21–30.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”A Further Greek Hymn from Signia”, pp. 31–40.
  • Tua KORHONEN: ”Christina of Sweden and Her Knowledge of Greek”, pp. 41–56.
  • Peter KRUSCHWITZ – Virginia L. CAMPBELL: ”What the Pompeians Saw: Representations of Document Types in Pompeian Drawings and Paintings (and their Value for Linguistic Research)”, pp. 57–84.
  • Laura NISSINEN: ”Cubicula diurna, nocturna – Revisiting Roman cubicula and Sleeping Arrangements”, pp. 85–107.
  • Janne PÖLÖNEN: ”Hiberus quidam in Dig. 8,2,13 pr: (M. Antonius) Hiberus (PIR2 H 168)?”, pp. 109–115.
  • Olli SALOMIES – Zbigniew FIEMA: ”Latin Inscription from the Ridge Church at Petra”, pp. 117–140.
  • Kaj SANDBERG: ”Isis, the Pomerium and the Augural Topography of the Capitoline Area”, pp. 141–160.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCLII–CCLVIII”, pp. 161–190.
  • Kaius TUORI: ”Dig. 34,2,33: the Return of the Cross-Dressing Senator”, pp. 191–200.
  • Stephen EVANS: ”Review Article: ”Dusting the Mythological Cobwebs”, pp. 201–216.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 217–311. (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 313–317.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 319–336.
  • Index scriptorum, p. 337.


Vol. 42 (2008)

  • Luigi ARATA: ”Impieghi del libustíkon nella medicina greca antica. Una possibile identificazione della pianta”, pp. 9–15.
  • David J. BUTTERFIELD: ”Supplementa Lucretiana”, pp. 17–30.
  • Virginia L. CAMPBELL: ”Stopping to Smell the Roses: Garden Tombs in Roman Italy”, pp. 31–43.
  • Maurizio COLOMBO: ”I soprannomi trionfali di Costantino: una revisione critica della cronologia corrente”, pp. 45–64.
  • Ramón Gutiérrez GONZÁLEZ: ”A Note on Juvenal 11,156: pupillares testiculi”, pp. 65–68.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Julia Kalliteknos and Gaius Caesar at Euromus”, pp. 69–76.
  • Peter KRUSCHWITZ: ”CIL VIII 19 Revisited”, pp. 77–83.
  • Christian LAES: ”Learning from Silence: Disabled Children in Roman Antiquity”, pp. 85–122.
  • Tuomo LANKILA: ”Proclus' Art of Referring with a Scale of Epithet”, pp. 123–133.
  • Avgi-Anna MAGGEL: ”The Invention of a Deceptive Dialogue: Reconsidering the False-Merchant scene in Sophocles' Philoctetes”, pp. 135–146.
  • Anna REINIKKA: ”On the Attribution of a Latin Schoolgrammar Transmitted in MS Clm 6281”, pp. 147–157.
  • Ronald T. RIDLEY: ”Gaetano de Sanctis and the Missing Storia dei Romani”, pp. 159–180.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Some Observations on the Use of the Pronoun hic haec hoc in Latin Inscriptions”, pp. 181–198.
  • Kaj SANDBERG: ”The So-Called Division of the Roman Empire in AD 39. Notes on a Persistent Theme in Modern Historiography”, pp. 199–213.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCXLIV–CCLI”, pp. 215–246.
  • Jaana VAAHTERA: ”On Grammatical Gender in Ancient Linguistics – The Order of Genders”, pp. 247–266.
  • David WOODS: ”Tiberius, Tacfarinas, and the Jews”, pp. 267–284.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 285–342. (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 343–345.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 347–353.
  • Index scriptorum, pp. 355.


Vol. 41 (2007)

  • Christer BRUUN: ”Ostienses and Ostians in Three Inscriptions from Rome's Port”, pp. 9–20.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Cities and Courtesans”, pp. 21–29.
  • Peter KRUSCHWITZ & Hilla Halla-aho: ”The Pompeian Wall Inscriptions and the Latin Language: A Critical Reappraisal”, pp. 31–49.
  • Fabrice POLI: ”Notes d'épigraphie latine rémoise: au sujet de deux inscriptions du Musée Saint-Rémi (Reims)”, pp. 51–58.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Asinnii, Licinnii, etc. in the East”, pp. 59–74.
  • Kaj SANDBERG: ”Polybius on the Consuls: An Interpretation of Histories 6,12,4”, pp. 75–88.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCXXXVII–CCXLIII”, pp. 89–115.
  • David WOODS: ”Tiberius on Caligula the Snake and Other Contextual Problems”, pp. 117–127.
  • De novis libris iudicia, pp. 129–194. (Read reviews online)
  • Index librorum in hoc volumine recensorum, pp. 195–198.
  • Libri nobis missi, pp. 199–213.
  • Index scriptorum, p. 215.


Vol. 40 (2006)

  • Maurizio COLOMBO: ”Exempla strategici, simboli geografici ed aquilae in alcuni passi di Ammiano Marcellino”, pp. 9–25.
  • Stephen EVANS: ”Sport and Festival in Od. 8. From Scheria to Beijing”, pp. 27–45.
  • Benjamin GARSTAD: ”The Oaths in Euripides' Medea”, pp. 47–63.
  • Luca MAURIZI: ”C. Salvius Liberalis Nonius Bassus. Un monumento equestre ad Urbs Salvia?”, pp. 65–83.
  • Fabrice POLI: ”Une inscription latine inédite d'Auch”, pp. 85–90.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Roman Names in Pisidian Antioch. Some Observations”, pp. 91–107.
  • Timo SIRONEN: ”Minora Latino-Sabellica II. Un trofeo in osco da Poggio Cinolfo (AQ)”, pp. 109–130.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCXXXI–CCXXXVI”, pp. 131–165.
  • Spyridon TZOUNAKAS: ”Clodius' Projected Manumission of Slaves in Cicero's Pro Milone”, pp. 167–174.
  • David WARDLE: ”The Bald and the Beautiful: Imperial Hair-envy and the End of Ptolemy of Mauretania?”, pp. 175–188.
  • David WOODS: ”Pliny, Nero, and the 'Emerald' (NH 37,64)”, pp. 189–196.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online


Vol. 39 (2005)


  • Christer BRUUN: ”Puzzles about Procurators in Rome”, pp. 9–24.
  • Gualtiero CALBOLI: ”Horace et la comédie romaine (à propos de carm. 4,7,19–20)”, pp. 25–41.
  • Laurent CHRZANOVSKI: ”Une décennie de lumière: bibliographie lychnologique choisie 1995–2005”, pp. 43–68.
  • Svetlana HAUTALA: ”Le metafore della tempesta e della bonaccia nella Theriaca di Andromaco il Vecchio”, pp. 69–77.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Teopompo di Cnido e Laodicea al Mare”, pp. 79–92.
  • Wlodzimierz OLSZANIEC: ”Catullo 116,7: evitabimus missa?”, pp. 93–96.
  • Fabrice POLI – Domenico QUATRALE: ”Une épitaphe funéraire latine inédite de Lacedonia”, pp. 97–101.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Polyonymous Nomenclature in Consular Dating”, pp. 103–135.
  • Kaj SANDBERG: ”Re-constructing the Political System of Republican Rome. A Re-consideration of Approach and Methodology”, pp. 137–157.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCXXIII–CCXXX”, pp. 159–198.
  • Marjaana VESTERINEN: ”Some Notes on the Greek Terminology for Pantomime Dancers and on Athenaeus 1,20d–e”, pp. 199–206.
  • David WOODS: ”Caligula, Ptolemy of Mauretania, and the Danger of Long Hair”, pp. 207–214.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 38 (2004)


  • Thomas GÄRTNER: ”Mythologische Paradigmen für einen Achill in Frauenkleidern. Zu einer scheinbar unpassenden Gleichnisreihe in der statianischen Achilleis”, pp. 9–15.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Theoktistos”, pp. 17–25.
  • Peter KRUSCHWITZ: ”Carmina latina epigraphica Pompeiana: Ein Dossier”, pp. 27–58.
  • Pasi LOMAN: ”Travelling Female Entertainers of the Hellenistic Age”, pp. 59–73.
  • Maria NIKU: ”When and Why Did the Athenian metoikía system disappear? The evidence of inscriptions”, pp. 75–93.
  • Jari PAKKANEN: ”The Temple of Zeus at Stratos: New Observations on the Building Design”, pp. 95–121.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”De titulis Coranis laudatis a Santho Lauriente in opere suo Historia Corana (1637)”, pp. 123–132.
  • Kaj SANDBERG: ”Concular Legislation in pre-Sullan Rome”, pp. 133–162.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCXVI–CCXXII”, pp. 163–205.
  • Stanislaw STABRYLA: ”The Realistic and Supernatural Order of the World Presented in Prudentius' Peristephanon”, pp. 207–217.
  • David WOODS: ”Nero's Pet Hippopotamus (Suet. Nero 37,2)”, pp. 219–222.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 37 (2003)


  • Eugenio AMATO: ”Note esegetiche e testuali alla Descriptio orbis di Dionisio d'Alessandria (II)”, pp. 9–26.
  • Christer BRUUN: ”Velia, Quirinale, Pincio: note su proprietari di domus e su plumbarii”, pp. 27–48.
  • Laurent CHRZANOVSKI: ”Le photophore autophore”, pp. 49–51.
  • Zbigniew T. FIEMA: ”Observations on the Byzantine Church at Jabal Haroun near Petra, Jordan”, pp. 53–68.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Inscriptions at Auction”, pp. 69–80.
  • Martti LEIWO: ”Both and All Together? The Meaning of amfóteroi”, pp. 81–99.
  • Uta-Maria LIERTZ: ”Isis und ihre nordischen Schwestern”, pp. 101–114.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: ”A Piece of Dionysian Hilarity”, pp. 115–122.
  • Erja SALMENKIVI: ”A Note on the Ptolemaic epì tôn prosódon”, pp. 123–132.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”A Study of CIL XIV 375, an Interesting Inscription from Ostia”, pp. 133–157.
  • Raija SARASTI-WILENIUS: ”Latin, Swedish and French – Some Considerations on the Choice of Language in the Letter Collection of the Gyldenstolpe Family”, pp. 159–172.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CCVII–CCXV”, pp. 173–205.
  • Antero TAMMISTO: ”Swamp-Hens (Porphyrio s”, pp.) and Ducks (Anatidae) in the Tomba di Morlupo and Other Republican and Early Augustan Romano-Campanian Mosaics and Wall Paintings”, pp. 207–250.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”A Symptomatic Text Corruption: Plato, Gorgias 448a5”, pp. 251–257.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 36 (2002)


  • Eugenio AMATO: ”Note esegetiche e testuali alla Descriptio orbis di Dionisio d'Alessandria (I)”, pp. 7–17.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Minimum Corinthium”, pp. 19–29.
  • Uta-Maria LIERTZ: ”Kybele bei den Matronae Vacallinehae? Eine Fallstudie aus der Germania Inferior”, pp. 31–40.
  • Maria NIKU: ”Aspects of the Taxation of Foreign Residents in Hellenistic Athens”, pp. 41–57.
  • Massimo PIERPAOLI: ”P. Volumnius Eutrapelus”, pp. 59–78.
  • Ari SAASTAMOINEN: ”On the Problem of Recognising African Building Inscriptions”, pp. 79–96.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”On the Origin of Die Inschriften von Prusa ad Olympum No. 52”, pp. 97–102.
  • Werner J. SCHNEIDER: ”Laetinus' Fieberkurve. Zur Textüberlieferung von Martial 12, 17, 9/10”, pp. 103–6.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CIC–CCVI”, pp. 107–42.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Intertextual Relations between Xenophon and Plato?”, pp. 143–57.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 35 (2001)


  • Neil ADKIN: ”’I Am Tedious Aeneas’: Virgil, Aen. 1,372 ff.”, pp. 9–14.
  • Jean-Pierre GUILHEMBET: ”Quelques domus ou résidences romaines négligées”, pp. 15–21.
  • Riikka HÄLIKKÄ: ”Sparsis comis, solutis capillis: ”'Loose' Hair in Ovid's Elegiac Poetry”, pp. 23–34.
  • Maarit KAIMIO et alii: ”Metatheatricality in the Greek Satyr-Play”, pp. 35–78.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Hanging Around Downtown”, pp. 79–83.
  • Kalle KORHONEN: ”Osservazioni sul collezionismo epigrafico siciliano”, pp. 85–102.
  • Peter KRUSCHWITZ: ”Zwei sprachliche Beobachtungen zu republikanischen Rechtstexten”, pp. 103–113.
  • Uta-Maria LIERTZ: ”Die Dendrophoren aus Nida und Kaiserverehrung von Kultvereinen im Nordwesten des Imperium Romanum”, pp. 115–128.
  • Luigi PEDRONI: ”Il significato dei segni di valore sui denarii repubblicani: contributi per la riapertura di una problematica”, pp. 129–138.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Roman Nomina in the Greek East: Observations on Some Recently Published Inscriptions”, pp. 139–174.
  • Werner J. SCHNEIDER: ”Ein der Heimat verwiesener Autor: Anaximenes von Lampsakos bei Lukian, Herod. 3”, pp. 175–187.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CXCII—CXCVIII”, pp. 189–241.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 34 (2000)

  • Paavo CASTRÉN: ”Vici and insulae: The Homes and Addresses of the Romans”, pp. 7–21.
  • Tibor GRÜLL: ”Conquerors, Patriarchs and the Law of the Lord. Interpretation of a Late Antique Jewish Epitaph”, pp. 23–37.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Livia and Nemesis”, pp. 39–61.
  • Tua KORHONEN: ”Rhetorical Strategies in Johan Paulinus’ (Lillienstedt) Finlandia (1678. A Versified Oration in Greek from the Baroque Period”, pp. 63–87.
  • Uta-Maria LIERTZ: ”Zur Vorgeschichte organisierten Kaiserkultes im gallo-germanischen Raum”, pp. 89–100.
  • Jerzy LINDERSKI: ”Banqueting”, pp. 101–7.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: ”A Faiyum Portrait Reconsidered”, pp. 109–14.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Notes on Some Greek Inscriptions of Imperial Date”, pp. 115–127.
  • Erkki SIRONEN: ”Notes on the Language of Johan Paulinus' Finlandia. A Baroque Eulogy in Greek Verses”, pp. 129–47.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CLXXXIV—CXCI”, pp. 149–92.
  • Christa STEINBY: ”The Roman Boarding-bridge in the First Punic War. A Study of Roman Tactics and Strategy”, pp. 193–210.
  • Antero TAMMISTO: ”Nova bibliotheca Pompeiana I–II. Corrigenda ed addenda con una bibliografia pompeiana fennica”, pp. 211–32.
  • Jaana VAAHTERA: ”Observations on genus nominum in the Roman Grammarians”, pp. 233–51.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Ergänzungen zu LSJ und dessen Rev. Suppl.”, pp. 253–58.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 33 (1999)

  • László BORHY: ”Praepositus legionis hunc burgum a fundamentis in diebus XXXXVIII fecit pervenire: Überlegungenzu CIL III 3653 aus Esztergom”, pp. 7–13.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Árktos : arkteúo and the Like”, pp. 15–65.
  • Anna LINDBLOM: ”The Amazons: Representatives of Male or Female Violence”, pp. 67–91.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: ”Genucilia Plates: Common agalmata or Depictions of the Myth of Persephone”, pp. 93–110.
  • Janne PÖLÖNEN: ”Lex Voconia and Conflicting Ideologies of Succession”, pp. 111–31.
  • Ronald T. RIDLEY: ”What's in the Name: The So-called First Triumvirate”, pp. 133–44.
  • F. X. RYAN: ”Die Ädilität des Attentäters Cassius”, pp. 145–54.
  • W. J. SCHNEIDER: ”Beccas Talente. Luxurius Anth. Lat. 316 SB = 321 R”, pp. 155–60.
  • Timo SIRONEN: ”Minora Latino-Sabellica I: Osservazioni sulla distribuzione tipologica delle iscrizioni osche”, pp. 161–67.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CLXXVII–CLXXXIII”, pp. 169–202.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 32 (1998)

  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Iiro Kajanto in memoriam”, pp. 9–12.
  • Neil ADKIN: ”The Ninth Book of Quintilian’s Institutio Oratoria and Jerome”, pp. 13–25.
  • Géza ALFÖLDY: ”Drei Bauinschriften aus Gabii”, pp. 27–44.
  • E. BADIAN: ”Two Numismatic Phantoms. The False Priest and the Spurious Son”, pp. 45–60.
  • Liliane BODSON: ”Ancient Greek Views on the Exotic Animal”, pp. 61–85.
  • Christer BRUUN: ”Missing Houses: Some Neglected Domus and other Abodes in Rome”, pp. 87–108.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Visceratio”, pp. 109–31.
  • Walther LUDWIG: ”Martin Crusius und das Studium des Griechischen in Nordeuropa”, pp. 133–48.
  • Silvio PANCIERA: ”Ancora nomi nuovi o rari da iscrizioni latine di Roma”, pp. 149–73.
  • Mark POBJOY: ”The decree of the pagus Herculaneus and the Romanisation of ’Oscan’ Capua”, pp. 175–95.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Three Notes on Roman Nomina”, pp. 197–224.
  • W. J. SCHNEIDER: ”Philologisch-kunstgeschichtliche Bemerkungen zu drei Stücken der Anthologia Latina”, pp. 225–33.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CLXXIII—CLXXVI”, pp. 235–58.
  • Risto VALJUS: ”An Oriental Baker at Ostia”, pp. 259–64.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: ”Participium coniunctum — Syntactic Definitions of the Participle in Ancient Grammars”, pp. 265–76.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 31 (1997)

  • H. W. BIRD: ”The Historia Augusta on Constantine’s Lineage”, pp. 9–17.
  • Helen GASTI: ”Ajax’ Trugrede: Its Meaning and Dramatic Function”, pp. 19–40.
  • Maijastina KAHLOS: ”Vettius Agorius Praetextatus and the Rivalry between the Bishops in Rome in 366—367”, pp. 41–54.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Heracles Saving the Shipwrecked”, pp. 55–86.
  • Massimo PIERPAOLI: ”Sull’edilità di Varro e Murena”, pp. 87–99.
  • Reijo PITKÄRANTA et Rolf WESTMAN: ”Bibliographie abrégée des études classiques en Finlande 1987—1996”, pp. 101–21.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Two Notes On Cora”, pp. 123–28.
  • W. J. SCHNEIDER: ”Kytragora — ein attischer ghost-name”, pp. 129–33.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CLXVII—CLXXII”, pp. 135–47.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”The Early Version of Plato’s Republic”, pp. 149–74.
  • Manna VESTERINEN: ”Communicative Aspects of Ancient Greek Dance”, pp. 175–87.
  • Veikko VÄÄNÄNEN (†): ”Florilegium Aboënse. Recueil de proverbes latins manuscrits de Turku, Finlande”, pp. 189–226.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Addenda to the Bibliography in Arctos XXX”, pp. 227–29.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 30 (1996)

  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”History of Classical Scholarship in Finland: A Bibliography”, pp. 7–20.
  • Patrick BRUUN: ”Two Facets of Ancient Monetary Economy: Celtic Imitations and Roman Rigid Formality”, pp. 21–31.
  • Anne HELTTULA: ”Truffles in Ancient Greece and Rome”, pp. 33–47.
  • Maarit KAIMIO: ”How to Enjoy a Greek Novel: Chariton Guiding His Audience”, pp. 49–73.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”New Poems on Stone”, pp. 75–100.
  • Kalle KORHONEN: ”On the Composition of the Hermeneumata Language Manuals”, pp. 101–19.
  • Martti LEIWO: ”Language Attitude and Patriotism. Cases from Greek History”, pp. 121–37.
  • Jari PAKKANEN: ”The Height and Reconstruction of the Interior. Corinthian Columns in Greek Classical Buildings”, pp. 139–65.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Observations on Some Names of Sailors Serving in the Fleets at Misenum and Ravenna”, pp. 167–86.
  • Raija SARASTI-WILENIUS: ”Do tibi metotam. Latin Wedding Poetry in Finland”, pp. 187–205.
  • Mary SIANI-DAVIES: ”Gaius Rabirius Postumus: A Roman Financier and Caesar's Political Ally”, pp. 207–40.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CLXIV–CLXVI”, pp. 241–45.
  • Raija VAINIO: ”A Reading in Consentius Reconsidered. A Case of Palatalization”, pp. 247–55.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Possible One-verse Additions before Eur. Supplices 263”, pp. 257–60.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 29 (1995)

  • Christer BRUUN: ”Pericula Alexandrina: The Adventures of a Recently Discovered Centurion of the legio II Parthica”, pp. 9–27.
  • Anne HELTTULA: ”Names and Cases. Observations on CIL IV 1364”, pp. 29–38.
  • Maijastina KAHLOS: ”The Restoration Policy of Vettius Agorius Praetextatus”, pp. 39–47.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”The Body Politic. On the History of a Famous Simile”, pp. 49–80.
  • Klaus KARTTUNEN: ”Early Roman Trade with South India”, pp. 81–91.
  • Jukka KIVIHARJU: ”Notice of a New Manuscript of John of Seville's Latin Translations of Sahl Ben Bisr's Kitab al-Iktiyarat (Liber de electionibus) and Kitab al-Auqat (Liber temporum)”, pp. 93–101.
  • Uta-Maria LIERTZ: ”Über das Fehlen von Inschriftentypen. Einige Beobachtungen am Beispiel Kaiserpriester”, pp. 103–9.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Notes on Marius' De elementis”, pp. 111–13.
  • Maria Maslanka SORO: ”Alcuni aspetti della sofferenza tragica nell'Aiace di Sofocle”, pp. 115–35.
  • Outi MERISALO: ”Classical Philology in Eighteenth-Century Finland: Henrik Hassel and Carl Abraham Clewberg”, pp. 137–54.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Praenomina Recorded Erroneously in Inscriptions. With an Observation on the Grandfather of Q. Aulius Cerretanus (cos. II 319 BC)”, pp. 155–61.
  • Erkki SIRONEN: ”Statue Base Epigrams in Honor of a Restorer from Early Byzantine Athens”, pp. 163–73.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CLIX—CLXIII”, pp. 175–82.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)



Vol. 28 (1994)

  • Anne HELTTULA: ”Vessels for Mushrooms?”, pp. 7–12.
  • Maijastina KAHLOS: ”Fabia Aconia Paulina and the Death of Praetextatus — Rhetoric and Ideals in Late Antiquity (CIL VI 1779)”, pp. 13–25.
  • Uta-Maria LIERTZ: ”Zur Frage der Romanisierung durch das Heer in Germania Inferior am Beispiel Kaiserkult”, pp. 27–37.
  • Fulvia MAINARDIS: ”Sulla genesi di CIL V 1863”, pp. 39–54.
  • Tiina PUROLA: ”P. Cair. Zen. 4.59532 — Two Epitaphs for a Hunting Dog Called Tauron”, pp. 55–62.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Observations on the Development of the Style of Latin Honorific Inscriptions during the Empire”, pp. 63–106.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CLV—CLVIII”, pp. 107–13.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Notes on Eros in Middle Platonism”, pp. 115–28.
  • Raija VAINIO: ”On the Concept of barbarolexis in the Roman Grammarians”, pp. 129–40.
  • Risto VALJUS: ”Corpus traiectus marmorariorum at Ostia”, pp. 141–44.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 27 (1993)

  • Maarit KAIMIO: ”Henrik Zilliacus in memoriam”, pp. 7–9.
  • Christer BRUUN: ”’Berichtigungsliste’ to G. Forni's Posthumous New List of the Provenances of Roman Legionaries”, pp. 11–18.
  • Maarit KAIMIO: ”The Protagonist in Greek Tragedy”, pp. 19–33.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”Analysis of a Verseparentatio: Johannes Ihre's Funeral Oration in Memory of Torsten Rudeen”, pp. 35–53.
  • Wolfgang KUHOFF: ”Die Beziehungen des Römischen Reiches zum Volksstamm der Baquaten in Mauretanien”, pp. 55–71.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Weitere Notizen zu Justus Lipsius' Briefen”, pp. 73–77.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: ”Incisionie graffiti su ceramica a vernice nera di Ficana, settore 6b”, pp. 79–94.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”On the Interpretation of Epigraphical Filiations of the Type L. f. f.”, pp. 95–101.
  • Juha SIHVOLA: ”Why Does Contemplation Not Fit Well into Aristotle's eudaimonía?”, pp. 103–21.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CL—CLIV”, pp. 123–31.
  • Asko TIMONEN: ”Emperor's "ars recusandi" in Biographical Narrative”, pp. 133–48.
  • G. Michael WOLOCH: ”Ammianus, Alpine Passes and Maps”, pp. 149–53.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 26 (1992)

  • Neil ADKIN: ”Filthy Manichees”, pp. 5–18.
  • Jaakko ARONEN: ”Notes on Athenian Drama as Ritual Myth-Telling within the Cult of Dionysos”, pp. 19–37.
  • Kai HEIKKILÄ: ”Sappho Fragment 2 L.-P.: Some Homeric Readings”, pp. 39–53.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL: ”Die aesthetische Funktion der lyrischen und epischen Elemente in der griechischen Tragödie”, pp. 55–61.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”A Rhetorical Analysis of Ezechiel Spanheim's Panegyricus of Queen Christina”, pp. 63–78.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Lateinische Quellen einiger mexikanischer Predigtsammlungen”, pp. 79–83.
  • Sari MATTERO: ”The gluttonous genius: yearning for vitality and fertility”, pp. 85–96.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: ”A Copy of the Praxitelian Anapauomenos in Finland”, pp. 97–104.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Zur Namengebung der Konsuln in den handschriftlich überlieferten Konsulverzeichnissen für die Zeit 15–284 n.Chr.”, pp. 105–16.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CXLV–CXLIX”, pp. 117–27.
  • Veikko VÄÄNÄNEN: ”DE EBRIETATE, Poèmes bachiques connus en Finlande au XVIIe siècle”, pp. 129–36.
  • G. Michael WOLOCH: ”Ammianus' Route to Cologne”, pp. 137–40.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 25 (1991)

  • E. BADIAN: ”M. Lepidus and the Second Triumvirate”, pp. 5–16.
  • C. Joachim CLASSEN: ”Virtutes Imperatoriae”, pp. 17–39.
  • Pierre-Jacques DEHON: ”Horace, Epodes 2, 23–28”, pp. 41–44.
  • Gian Luca GREGORI: ”Tra epigrafia e filologia: un gladiatore di nome Rutumanna”, pp. 45–50.
  • Kai HEIKKILÄ: ”Now I Have the Mind to Dance. The References of the Chorus to their Own Dancing in Sophocles' Tragedies”, pp. 51–68.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL: ”Einige Beobachtungen zum Begriff des Barbarentums im Werk des Isokrates”, pp. 69–76.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Ein Humanist in Mexiko”, pp. 77–80.
  • Teivas OKSALA: ”Zum Gebrauch der griechischen Lehnwörter bei Vergil IV. Interpretationen zu der Aeneis”, pp. 81–95.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: ”L. Mummius' Contributions to the Agonistic Life in the Mid Second Century BC”, pp. 96–106.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Zu den Iterationen in den handschriftlich überlieferten Konsulverzeichnissen für die Zeit 15–284 n. Chr.”, pp. 107–20.
  • Raija SARASTI-WILENIUS: ”Latin Lapidary Style in Finland”, pp. 121–32.
  • Timo SIRONEN: ”Note onomastiche osco-lucane: ala(m)ponies e "kellos”, pp. 133–38.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CXL–CXLIV”, pp. 139–56.
  • Harold TARRANT: ”Clouds I: Steps towards Reconstruction”, pp. 155–81.
  • Asko TIMONEN: ”Prejudices against Provincials in the Historia Augusta”, pp. 183–97.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 24 (1990)

  • Christer BRUUN: ”Die Historia Augusta, die Preskriptionen des Severus und die curatores operum publicorum”, pp. 5–14.
  • Anne HELTTULA: ”Portuensia. Nove iscrizioni sepolcrali dell'Isola Sacra (Porto)”, pp. 15–27.
  • Tuija JATAKARI: ”Der jüngere Sokrates”, pp. 29–45.
  • Maarit KAIMIO et alii: ”Comic Violence in Aristophanes”, pp. 47–72.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”Johannes Schefferon the imitatio veterum”, pp. 73–84.
  • Klaus KARTTUNEN: ”Taxila – Indian City and a Stronghold of Hellenism”, pp. 85–96.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Zum Latein des Humanisten Otto Melander”, pp. 97–105.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”A Note on the Establishment of the Date of the Rain Miracle under Marcus Aurelius”, pp. 107–12.
  • Timo SIRONEN: ”Oscan VAAMUNIM”, pp. 113–20.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CXXXIII–CXXXIX”, pp. 121–34.
  • Michael P. SPEIDEL: ”The Names of Legionary Centuriae”, pp. 135–37.
  • Leena TALVIO: ”Les citations bibliques dans le Morale Somnium Pharaonis”, pp. 139–46.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Theaitetos and Theodoros”, pp. 147–59.
  • Jyri VAAHTERA: ”Pebbles, Points, or Ballots: The Emergence of the Individual Vote in Rome”, pp. 161–77.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Das Adespoton TrGFII F 123 b identifiziert”, pp. 179–82.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 23 (1989)

  • Antti ARJAVA: ”Jerome and Women”, pp. 5–18.
  • Jaakko ARONEN: ”Il culto arcaico nel Tarentum a Roma e la gens Valeria”, pp. 19–39.
  • Christer BRUUN: ”The Name and Possessions of Nero' s Freedman Phaon”, pp. 41–53.
  • Björn FORSÉN — Erkki SIRONEN: ”Zur Symbolik von dargestellten Händen”, pp. 55–66.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL: ”Thukydides als Historiker und Literat”, pp. 67–90.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”A Humanist Credo”, pp. 91–118.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Cornelia Africani f.Gracchorum”, pp. 119–31.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Notizen eines Latinisten zum Leviathan von Thomas Hobbes”, pp. 133–43.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: ”Scenes of Ancient Rome in a 19th Century Souvenir”, pp. 145–64.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Zu Konsuln der Jahre 115, 135, 195 n.Chr.”, pp. 165–78.
  • Erkki SIRONEN: ”New Readings on Four Athenian Inscriptions of the Imperial Period”, pp. 179–84.
  • Timo SIRONEN: ”Una rilettura e un'integrazione di due epigrafi osche di Ercolano (Po124 e 126)”, pp. 185–93.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CXXVI–CXXXII”, pp. 195–221.
  • Antero TAMMISTO: ”Tetrao urogallus and Phasianus colchicus in Romano-Campanian Wall Paintings and Mosaics”, pp. 223–47.
  • W. S. WATT: ”Six Notes on Q. Curtius”, pp. 249–51.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 22 (1988)

  • Antti ARJAVA: “Divorce in later Roman law”, pp. 5–21.
  • Christer BRUUN “Caligatus, tubicen, optio carceris, & the centurions' positions: Some remarks on an inscription in ZPE 71 (1988)”, pp. 23–40.
  • Edward COURTNEY: “Five notes on the Appendix Vergiliana”, pp. 41–42.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL “Philosophisch orientierte Ansätze einer Sprachtheorie bei Gorgias, Isokrates und Epikur“, pp. 43–57.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: “The idea of fate in Poggio Bracciolini”, pp. 59–73.
  • Mika KAJAVA: “A new catalogue of Roman upper-class women”, pp. 75–93.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: „Zu Bedas Predigten“, pp. 95–98.
  • Outi MERISALO, Aspects of the textual history of Poggio Bracciolini's De varietate fortunae”, pp. 99–111.
  • Olli SALOMIES: „Epigraphische Beiträge“, pp. 113–132.
  • Karl-Gustav SANDELIN: ”Mithras = Auriga?”, pp. 133–135.
  • Timo SIRONEN: ”Un obolo di Fistelia da Fregellae“, pp. 137–143.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica”, pp. 141–162.
  • Leena TALVIO: ”Iohannis Lemouicensis Morale Somnium Pharaonis. Problemi di datazione”, pp. 163–177.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: “From grammar to rhetoric. First exercises in composition according to Quintilian, Inst. 1, 9”, pp. 179–201.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 21 (1987)

  • Christer BRUUN: “Water for the Castra Praetoria. What were the Severan opera min.?”, pp. 7–18.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL: „Kritische Beobachtungen zum Programm einer Literatur-Pädagogik in Plutarchs Schrift De audiendis poetis“, pp. 19–35.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Varus & Varia”, pp. 37–41.
  • Klaus KARTTUNEN, The country of fabulous beasts & naked philosophers. India in classical & medieval literature, pp. 43–52.
  • Saara LILJA: “Sunbathing in Antiquity”, pp. 53–60.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Zu Bedas Evangelienkommentaren“, pp. 61–72.
  • Olivier MASSON: “Quelques noms grecques récents en -mátios”, pp. 73–77.
  • Teivas OKSALA: “T. S. Eliot's conception of Virgil & Virgilian scholarship”, pp. 79–85.
  • H. K. RIIKONEN: “Petronius & modern fiction. Some comparative notes”, pp. 87–103.
  • Olli SALOMIES: “Weitere republikanische Inschriften“, pp. 105–108.
  • Timo SIRONEN: “Osservazioni sulle grafie per le occlusive aspirate d'origine greca nell'osco,” pp. 109–117.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CXIII–CXX”, pp. 119–138.
  • E. M. STEINBY: “Il lato orientale del Foro Romano. Proposte di lettura”, pp. 139–184.
  • Leena TALVIO: ”Sulla figura della Fortuna nel Sogno del Faraone”, pp. 185–193.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: “Unbeachteter epikureischer Bericht bei Plutarch (Qu. conviv. 5,1)“, pp. 195–201.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 20 (1986)

  • Christer BRUUN: “The career of Sex. Palpellius Hister: The praetorian proconsulate under the early empire reconsidered”, pp. 5–23.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: “Fortuna in the works of Poggio Bracciolini”, pp. 25–57.
  • Mika KAJAVA: ”Livia Medulina & CIL X 6561”, pp. 59–71.
  • Klaus KARTTUNEN: “Graeco-Indica – A survey of recent works”, pp. 73–86.
  • Saara LILJA: “A note on crura as used in Gerhard's Meditationes sacrae”, pp. 87–91.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: “Zu den Glosae super Platonem des Wilhelm von Conches“, pp. 93–99.
  • Outi MERISALO: “Le prime edizioni stampate del De varietate fortunae di Poggio Bracciolini. II”, pp. 101–129.
  • Teivas OKSALA: “Zum Gebrauch der griechischen Lehnwörter bei Vergil. III. Gibt es "homerische" Lehnwörter in der Aeneis?“, pp. 131–143.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Ligoriana”, pp. 145–151.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica CV–CXII”, pp. 153–169.
  • Antero TAMMISTO: ”PHOENIX · FELIX · ET · TV. Remarks on the representation of the Phoenix in Roman art”, pp. 171–225.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: “Sanctius & permanent themes in the history of linguistics”, pp. 251–253.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 19 (1985)

  • Christer BRUUN: “Some comments on early Claudian consulship”, pp. 5–18.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: “Poggio Bracciolini & classical epigraphy”, pp. 19–40.
  • Mika KAJAVA: “Some remarks on the name and origin of Helena Augusta”, pp. 41–54.
  • Klaus KARTTUNEN: “A miraculous fountain in Italia”, pp. 55–65.
  • Saara LILJA: “Seating problems in Roman theatre & circus”, pp. 67–73.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT “Zu einigen lateinischen Hippokrates-Übersetzungen“, pp. 75–79.
  • Outi MERISALO: “Le prime edizioni stampate del De varietate fortunae di Poggio Bracciolini”, pp. 81–102.
  • Teivas OKSALA: “Zum Gebrauch der griechischen Lehnwörter bei Vergil. II. Interpretationen zu den Georgica“, pp. 103–123.
  • Olli SALOMIES: “Senatoren und Inschriften“, pp. 125–143.
  • Timo SIRONEN: “Un graffito in latino arcaico d Fregellae”, pp. 145–153.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica XCIV–CIV”, pp. 155–216.
  • Antero TAMMISTO: “Representations of the kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) in Graeco-Roman art”, pp. 217–242.
  • Maija VÄISÄNEN: “Prevalse davvero la communicazione scritta e letta su quella orale ed aurale durante l'età ellenistico-romana”, pp. 243–250.
  • Veikko VÄÄNÄNEN: “Itinerarium Egeriae 3,6: Une méprise consacrée”, pp. 251–253.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 18 (1984)

  • Siegfried JÄKEL: “Die Tücke der Faktizität in den Epitrepontes des Menander“, pp. 5–21.
  • Mika KAJAVA: “The name of Cornelia Orestina/Orestilla”, pp. 23–30.
  • Klaus KARTTUNEN: “Kynoképhaloi & Kynamolgoí in classical ethnography”, pp. 31–36.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: “Zu Smaragdus' Kommentar der Benediktinerregel“, pp. 37–43.
  • Teivas OKSALA: “Zum Gebrauch der griechischen Lehnwörter bei Vergil. I. Interpretationen zu den Bucolica“, pp. 45–63.
  • Tuomo PEKKANEN: ”Petroniana”, pp. 65–73.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: “The ancestry & career of Cn. Octavius, cos. 165 BC”, pp. 75–92.
  • Olli SALOMIES: “Beiträge zur römischen Namenkunde“, pp. 93–104.
  • Timo SIRONEN: ”Markas osco nel lupanare di Pompei”, pp. 105–111.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica LXXXVI–XCIII”, pp. 113–148.
  • Ronald SYME: “Statius on Rutilius Gallicus”, pp. 149–156.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: “Quintilian's "genus grammaticum" of figures”, pp. 157–167.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 17 (1983)

  • Jaakko ARONEN: “'Aposíkakoi theoí & 'Athána apotropaía in the Roman Forum: ”A note on IGUR 94–95”, pp. 5–11.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: “Notes on the cult of Fortuna”, pp. 13–20.
  • Mika KAJAVA: “A note on the text tradition of CIL IX 1973”, pp. 21–22.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: “Zur Latinität von T. Mores Utopia“, pp. 23–30.
  • Martti NYMAN: “Reconstructing compound accentuation: On the pre-Latin initial stress”, pp. 31–47.
  • Tuomo PEKKANEN: “The Hellusii & the Oxiones of Tac. Germ. 46,4”, pp. 49–60.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: ”Atria Tiberina: ”Remarks on Ovid's Fasti 4, 275–347”, pp. 61–68.
  • Olli SALOMIES: ”Appius Claudius Iulianus und CIL X 1688”, pp. 69–77.
  • Timo SIRONEN: “Un nuovo documento osco-lucano del IV sec. a.C. da Pisticci”, pp. 79–86.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica LXXX–LXXXV”, pp. 87–108.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: “Analecta Oenoandensia: Zu neuen Fragmenten des Diogenes“, pp. 109–118.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: “Gallus – Soldier or shepherd?”, pp. 119–122.
  • Maija VÄISÄNEN: “Una nave d'Alceo in tempesta: Che tipo di allegoria: Un commento al "Dichter und Gruppe" di W. Rösler”, pp. 123–133.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 16 (1982)

  • Paavo CASTRÉN: “Hic et ubique: Survival of a formula”, pp. 7–9.
  • Anne HELTTULA: “Did Apicius use the accusative absolute?”, pp. 11–17.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL: “Euripideische Handlungsstrukturen in der Samia des Menander“, pp. 19–31.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: “Lorenzo Belo's Eulogy of Rome: ”An epigraphical document of the spirit of the counter reformation”, pp. 33–44.
  • Martti LEIWO: “The mysterious Phólarchos”, pp. 45–55.
  • Saara LILJA: “Homosexuality in Plautus' play”, pp. 57–64.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: “Drei patristische Beiträge“, pp. 65–72.
  • Outi MERISALO: “Platina et le Liber pontificalis: Un humaniste devant un texte médiéval”, pp. 73–97.
  • Teivas OKSALA: “Zum Gebrauch der griechischen Lehwörter bei Catull“, pp. 99–119.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: “New-men & the Greek war booty in the 2nd century BC”, pp. 121–144.
  • Reijo PITKÄRANTA: “Lexikalisches zu einigen naturwissenschaftlichen Dissertationen Finnlands von 1645–1661“, pp. 145–152.
  • Olli Ilmari SALOMIES: “Quintilian und Vitorius Marcellus”, pp. 153–158.
  • Timo SIRONEN: “Osservazioni sulle grafie per l'i breve d'origine greca nell'osco”, pp. 159–164.
  • Heikki SOLIN: “Analecta epigraphica LXXIX”, pp. 165–222.
  • Raimo TUOMI: “Adverbiales vicem: Erläuterung einer STelle in den Atticus-Briefen Ciceros, 10, 8, 7“, pp. 223–226.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 15 (1981)

  • Paavo CASTRÉN: “Von populi Albenses bis cives Campanienses: ”Anmerkungen zur Frühgeschichte des lateinischen Suffixes – ensis“, pp. 5–12.
  • Tapio HELEN: “The non-Latin & non-Greek personal names in the Roman brick stamps & some considerations on Semitic influences on the Roman cognomen system”, pp. 13–21.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL: “Die Norm der Sprache und die Verhaltensnorm des Menschen aus der Sicht der Poetik des Aristoteles“, pp. 23–36.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: “Pontifex maximus as the title of the Pope”, pp. 37–52.
  • Jukka KORPELA: “Die Grabinschriften des Kolumbariums libertorum Liviae Augustae: ”Eine quellenkritische Untersuchung“, pp. 53–66.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: “Zu Dhuodas Liber manualis“, pp. 67–83.
  • Martti NYMAN: “Deleting a Lautgesetz: Lat. exilis & related issues”, pp. 85–99.
  • Heikki SOLIN: “Analecta epigraphica LXVII–LXXVIII”, pp. 101–123.
  • Arto WILMI: “Linguistische Bemerkungen zu den Gräzismen in Petronis Cena Trimalchionis“, pp. 125–130.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 14 (1980)

  • Paavo CASTRÉN: ”I Cornelii Mamullae: Storia di una famiglia”, pp. 5–13.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL: “Phóbos, sébas und aidós in den Dramen des Euripides“, pp. 15–30.
  • Saara LILJA: “The ape in ancient comedy”, pp. 31–38.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: “Zum dänischen Mittellatein“, pp. 39–50.
  • Martti NYMAN: “A pre–marine vestige of thálassa: An etymological proposal”, pp. 51–78.
  • Tuomo PEKKANEN: “Exegetical notes on the Latin sources of northern Europe”, pp. 79–89.
  • Heikki SOLIN: “Analecta epigraphica LXI–LXVI”, pp. 91–100.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Notes on unio mystica in Plotinus”, pp. 101–114.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: „Zur Apotheose des Daphnis bei Vergil“, pp. 115–125.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: ” 'Nominal' difference: Plato, Cratylus 395 d”, pp. 127–130.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 13 (1979)

  • Barry BALDWIN: “An anonymous Latin poem in Gellius”, pp. 5–13.
  • Paavo HOHTI: “Monatsbericht der Sitologen des Dorfes Toemesis“, pp. 15–16.
  • Paavo HOHTI: “Religion, Wissenschaft und Rhetorik bei Michael Psellos“, pp. 19–30.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL: “Phóbos und sébas bei Sophokles“, pp. 31–41.
  • Maarit KAIMIO: “Hypomnema an einer Erzleibwächter und Strategen“, pp. 43–48.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: “Aspects of Spinoza's Latinity”, pp. 49–83.
  • Saara LILJA: “Animal imagery in Greek comedy”, pp. 85–90.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: “Zur Physica Plinii Bamebergensis“, pp. 91–96.
  • Teivas OKSALA: “Beatus ille – O fortunatos. Wie verhalten sich Horazens zweite Ode und Vergils Georgica zueinander?“, pp. 97–109.
  • Tuomo PEKKANEN: “The Pontic civitates in the Periplus of the Anonymous Ravennas”, pp. 111–128.
  • Reijo PITKÄRANTA: “Zur Sprache des Andreas von Bergamo“, pp. 129–149.
  • Eeva RUOFF-VÄÄNÄNEN: “Zum Auftreten von römischen Personennamen in Ortsnamen“, pp. 151–156.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica LVII–LX”, pp. 157–160.
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: “A submerged gens”, pp. 161–167.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: ”Ebb & flow – a Polybian metaphor”, pp. 169–175.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 12 (1978)

  • Jaakko FRÖSÉN: ”Le transport du blé et le role des epíplooi”, pp. 5–17.
  • Paavo HOHTI: ”Einige Bemerkungen uber die Aischines-Papyri”, pp. 19–25.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”The Hereafter in Ancient Christian Epigraphy and Poetry”, pp. 27–53.
  • Saara LILJA: ”Descriptions of Human Appearance in Pliny's Letters”, pp. 55–62.
  • Ulla NYBERG: ”Über inschriftliche Abkürzungen der gotischen und humanistischen Schriftperioden”, pp. 63–79.
  • Martti NYMAN: ”On the Alleged Variation delenio ~ delinio”, pp. 81–88.
  • Teivas OKSALA: ”Warum wollte Vergil die Aeneis verbrennen?”, pp. 89–100.
  • Tuomo PEKKANEN: ”Critical and Exegetical Notes on Tac. Germ.”, pp. 101–13.
  • Leena PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN: ”Some Aspects of the Life of Lucius Mummius Achaicus”, pp. 115–23.
  • Eeva RUOFF-VÄÄNÄNEN: ”The Roman Senate and Criminal Jurisdiction during the Roman Republic”, pp. 125–33.
  • Juhani SARSILA: ”Some Notes on virtus in Sallust and Cicero”, pp. 135–43.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica L–LVI”, pp. 145–52.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Notes on the New Epicharmean 'Iatrology'”, pp. 153–57.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: ”Livy 1,47,1–7: ”A Note on the Historical Infinitive”, pp. 159–65.
  • Henrik ZILLIACUS: ”Euripides Medeia 214–221 und Ennius”, pp. 167–71.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 11 (1977)

  • Paavo HOHTI: ”Symbállesthai. A Note on Conjectures in Herodotus”, pp. 5–14.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL: ”Wahrheit und Trug in den Dramen des Euripides”, pp. 15–40.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”Dating in the Latin Inscriptions of Medieval and Renaissance Rome”, pp. 41–61.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Weitere Bemerkungen zum spanischen Mittellatein”, pp. 63–81.
  • Martti NYMAN: ”Did Quintilian Mention Mytacism?”, pp. 83–86.
  • Hannu RIIKONEN: ”City and Country in Horace's Epistle 1, 7”, pp. 87–101.
  • Eeva RUOFF-VÄÄNÄNEN: ”Praetors of the Country Towns”, pp. 103–15.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica XL–XLIX”, pp. 117–132.
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: ”Claudia insons. Why Was a Fine Imposed on Claudia Ap. f. in 246 BC?”, pp. 133–51.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Graphic Use of the Perfect in Horace Odes 1, 1, 27–28”, pp. 153–55.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 10 (1976)

  • Patrick BRUUN, Portrait of a Constantine's break with the tetrarchy”, pp. 5–23.
  • Tapio HELEN: “A problem in Roman brick stamps: Who were Lucilla n(ostra) & Aurel(ius) Caes(ar) n(oster), the owners of the figlinae Fulvianae?”, pp. 27–36.
  • Paavo HOHTI: “Die Schuldfrage der Perserkriege in Herodots Geschichtswerk”, pp. 37–48.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: “On the significance of the hammer & other tools depicted on Christian funeral inscriptions”, pp. 49–58.
  • Saara LILJA: “Vermin in ancient Greece”, pp. 59–68.
  • Tuomo PEKKANEN: “Nomine superioris (Tac. Germ. 36,1)”, pp. 69–74.
  • Hannu RIIKONEN: “The attitude of Roman poets & orators to the countryside as a place for creative work”, pp. 75–85.
  • Heikki SOLIN: “Analecta epigraphica XXXII–XXXIX”, pp. 87–96.
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: “M. Claudius Glicia qui scriba fuerat dictator”, pp. 97–103.
  • Holger THESLEFF: “The date of the Pseudo-Platonic Hippias Major”, pp. 105–117.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: “Magnum fas nefasque. Horace's Epode 5, 87–88”, pp. 119–123.
  • Maija VÄISÄNEN: “Alcune famiglie eminenti (Titii, Ulpii, Statilii) nelle iscrizioni onorarie a Prusia all'Ipio in Bitinia”, pp. 125–132.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 9 (1975)

  • Patrick BRUUN: “Constantin'es changes of Dies Imperii”, pp. 11–29.
  • Paavo HOHTI: “Über die Notwendigkeit bei Herodot“, pp. 31–37.
  • Jorma KAIMIO: “Notes on the pay of Roman soldiers”, pp. 39–46.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: “Who was Sabinus Ille?”, pp. 47–55.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: “Zwei Patristica“, pp. 57–60.
  • Martti NYMAN: “Ist der rest-Typus möglich?“, pp. 61–73.
  • H.-G. PFLAUM: “Clients et patrons à la lumière du cimetière de l'Autoparco sous le Vatican à Rome”, pp. 75–87.
  • Erkki PALMÉN: “Päivö Oksala in memoriam”, pp. 7–9.
  • Gilles ROQUES: “Brève réponse aux "Bemerkungen zur Sprache des Jonas von Bobbio" de M. B. Löfstedt“, pp. 89–91.
  • Eeva RUOFF-VÄÄNÄNEN: “The roads leading to Rhegium”, pp. 93–98.
  • Heikki SOLIN: “Analecta epigraphica”, pp. 99–108.
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: “Unknown source on ancient stenography”, pp. 109–110.
  • De novis libris iudicia. (Read reviews online)


Vol. 8 (1974)

  • Paavo CASTRÉN: ”About the Legio X equestris”, pp. 5–7.
  • Anne HELTTULA: ”On itum ambitum datum: ”a formula of ius sepulchri”, pp. 9–17.
  • Paavo HOHTI: ”Freedom of speech sections in the histories of Herodotus”, pp. 19–27.
  • Maarit KAIMIO: ”Music in the Homeric hymn to Hermes”, pp. 29–42.
  • Jorma KAIMIO: ”The Etruscan genitival forms, pp. 43–58.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”On the idea of eternity in Latin epitaphs”, pp. 59–69.
  • Saara LILJA: ”Theriophily in Homer”, pp. 71–78.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Bemerkungen zur Sprache des Jonas von Bobbio”, pp. 79–95.
  • Teivas OKSALA: ”Was bedeutet honoratum ... Achillem bei Horaz (Ars 120)?”, pp. 97–103.
  • Tuomo PEKKANEN: ”Adam of Bremen 4,14: Wizzi, Mirri, etc.”, pp. 105–125.
  • Reijo PITKÄRANTA: ”Stilistischer Kommentar zur ‚Passio Septem Martyrum‘”, pp. 127–137.
  • Erkki SALONEN: ”Über einige Lehnwörter aus dem Nahen Osten im Griechischen und Lateinischen”, pp. 139–144.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica, XV–XXVII”, pp. 145–171.
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: ”L'anno della nascità di Gesù”, pp. 173–185.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Ein überdecktes Wort in Solons Salamiselegie”, pp. 187–193.


Vol. 7 (1972)

  • Anders AHLQVIST: ”Notes on the Silesian Luigi”, pp. 5–12
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”Women's praenomina reconsidered”, pp. 13–30
  • Saara LILJA: ”Odour sensations in the Roman world”, pp. 31–45
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Zu Tatwines Grammatik”, pp. 47–65
  • Martti NYMAN: ”Ma(vo)lo – a generative approach”, pp. 67–92
  • Teivas OKSALA: ”’Polymythias’ in Pindars Aigineten-Oden”, pp. 93–105
  • Tuomo PEKKANEN: ”Tac. Germ. 2,3 & the name Germani”, pp. 107–138
  • Eeva RUOFF-VÄÄNÄNEN: ”The Roman public prodigia & the ager Romanus”, pp. 139–162
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica”, pp. 163–205
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: ”Princeps Senatus”, pp. 207–218
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Colloquial style & its use in Plato's later works”, pp. 219–227


Vol. 6 (1970)

  • Kaarle HIRVONEN: ”Cledonomancy & the grinding slave woman, Od. XX, 91–121”, pp. 5–21.
  • Jorma KAIMIO: ”The nominative singular in -i of latin gentilicia”, pp. 23–42.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”Tacitus on the slave. An interpretation of the annales XIV, 42–45”, pp. 43–60.
  • Saara LILJA: ”On the nature of Pliny's letters”, pp. 61–79.
  • Olli MAKKONEN: ”Waldterminologie im Latein”, pp. 81–90.
  • Päivö OKSALA: ”Das Geschlecht des Attis bei Catull”, pp. 91–96.
  • Tuomo PEKKANEN: ”Finnicus Afinius”, pp. 97–99.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Analecta epigraphica”, pp. 101–112.
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: ”Legatio libera”, pp. 113–119.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Genitive absolute & Platonic style”, pp. 121–131.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: ”Ciceros Bildersprache und die Quellenfrage von Tusc. disp. I, 26–81”, pp. 133–146.
  • Maarit VUORENJUURI: ”Vocative singular addressing the chorus in Greek drama”, pp. 147–160.


Vol. 5 (1967)

  • Leiv AMUNDSEN: ”Horace, Carm. I. 3”, pp. 7–22.
  • Gerhard BENDZ: ”Par similisque”, pp. 23–27.
  • Eric BERGGREN: ”A new approach to the closing centuries of Etruscan history: ”A teamwork project”, pp. 29–43.
  • Axel BOETHIUS: ”Nota sul tempio capitolino e su Vitruvio III, 3. 5”, pp. 45–49.
  • Patrick BRUUN: ”The foedus Gabinum”, pp. 51–66.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”Contributions to Latin morphology”, pp. 67–77.
  • Heikki KOSKENNIEMI: ”Epistula Sarapammonis P. S. I. 1412 particula aucta”, pp. 79–84.
  • Saara LILJA: ”Indebtedness to Hecataeus in Herodotus II 70–71”, pp. 85–96.
  • Georg LUCK: ”Die Schrift vom Erhabenen und ihr Verfasser”, pp. 97–113.
  • Dag NORBERG: ”Le début de l'hymnologie latine en l'honneur des saints”, pp. 115–125.
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: ”The origin of the story about the first Marathonrunner”, pp. 127–133.
  • J. SVENNUNG: ”Zur Textkritik des Apologeticus Orosii”, pp. 135–139.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Stimmungsmalerei oder Burleske? Der Stil von Plat. Phaidr. 230 bc und seine Funktion”, pp. 141–155.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Zur Kenntnis der ältesten Handschrift von Ciceros Orator”, pp. 157–168.
  • Erik WISTRAND: ”On the problem of Catalepton 3”, pp. 169–175.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Bibliographie von Henrik Zilliacus”, pp. 177–182.


Vol. 4 (1966)

  • Päivö OKSALA: ”Edwin Linkomies in memoriam”, pp. 5–9.
  • Paavo CASTRÉN: ”Il titulus memorialis degli scavi di San Pietro”, pp. 11–21.
  • Olof GIGON: ”Plinius und der Zerfall der antiken Naturwissenschaft”, pp. 23–45.
  • Pertti HUTTUNEN: ”Some notes on the use of the verb mereo (mereor) in republican political terminology & in pagan inscriptions”, pp. 47–61.
  • Klaus Krister LOHIKOSKI: ”Der Parallelismus Mykene – Troja in Senecas ‚Agamemmon‘”, pp. 63–70.
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: ”L'espansione di una gens Romana (Fabricia)”, pp. 71–88.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Scientific & technical style in early Greek prose”, pp. 89–113.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Zur Sprache der Praetexta Octavia”, pp. 115–127.
  • Henrik ZILLIACUS: ”Zur Passivität der spätgriechischen Urkundensprache”, pp. 129–134.


Vol. 3 (1962)

  • Patrick BRUUN: ”The Christian signs on the coins of Constantine”, pp. 5–35.
  • Michael GINSBURG: ”The Hellenistic prosbolé & the prosbul”, pp. 37–44.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”On the problem of "Names of humility" in early Christian epigraphy”, pp. 45–53.
  • Eino MIKKOLA: ”Die präpositionale Hypostase, Apostase und Metabase im Lateinischen, Griechischen und Altindischen”, pp. 55–118.
  • Henric NORDBERG: ”On the Bible text of St. Athanasius”, pp. 119–141.
  • Paavo NUMMINEN: ”Severa Mater”, pp. 143–166.
  • Päivö OKSALA: ”Das Aufblühen des römischen Epos. Berührungen zwischen der Ariadne-Episode Catulls und der Dido-Geschichte Vergils”, pp. 167–197.
  • Teivas OKSALA: ”Catulls Attis-Ballade. Über den Stil der Dichtung und ihr Verhältnis zur Persönlichkeit des Dichters”, pp. 199–213.
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: ”The consul: ”- - - - - . N. CARVE - - in 458 B.C.”, pp. 215–228.
  • Henrik ZILLIACUS: ”Anecdota sepulcralis”, pp. 229–234.


Vol. 2 (1958)

  • Pentti AALTO: ”Marginal notes on the Minoan Linear B”, pp. 7–14.
  • Patrick BRUUN: ”The disappearance of Sol from the coins of Constantine”, pp. 15–37.
  • Johann CHYDENIUS: ”Nathan the Prophet in Dante's Paradiso”, pp. 38–41.
  • Reino HAKAMIES: ”Remarques lexicographiques sur le latin médiéval de Finlande”, pp. 42–51.
  • Karl-Erik HENRIKSSON: ”Epigraphica Christiana Vaticana”, pp. 52–54.
  • Iiro KAJANTO: ”Notes on Livy's conception of history”, pp. 55–63.
  • Edwin LINKOMIES: ”De textu Petroniano recensendo”, pp. 64–67.
  • Eino MIKKOLA: ”’Schole’ bei Aristoteles”, pp. 68–87.
  • Päivo OKSALA: ”’Fides’ und ’Pietas’ bei Catull”, pp. 88–103.
  • Erkki PALMÉN: ”Die lateinischen pronominalen Ortsadverbien in Kasusbedeutung”, pp. 104–142.
  • T. STEINBY: ”A pontifical document”, pp. 143–151.
  • Jaakko SUOLAHTI: ”The council of L. Cornelius P. f. Crus in the year 49 B.C.”, pp. 152–163.
  • J. SVENNUNG: ”Numerierung von Fabrikaten und anderen Gegenständen im römischen Altertum”, pp. 164–186.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”On the origin of genitive absolute”, pp. 187–207.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Textkritisches zu Senecas Dialogen”, pp. 208–216.
  • Henrik ZILLIACUS: ”Tragodía und drama in metaphorischer Bedeutung”, pp. 217–220


Vol. 1 (1954), Commentationes in honorem Edwin Linkomies sexagenarii

  • Y. M. BIESE: ”Zwei Beiträge zur Geschichte der römischen Grammatik”, pp. 9–15.
  • Gudmund BJÖRCK: ”Rhesos”, pp. 16–18.
  • Patrick BRUUN: ”The Consecration Coins of Constantine the Great”, pp. 19–31.
  • Erich BURCK: ”Amor bei Plautus und Properz”, pp. 32–60.
  • Ingemar DÜRING: ”Aristotle the Scholar”, pp. 61–77.
  • A. ERNOUT: ”Consensus — concentus — consentaneus”, pp. 78–79.
  • R. HAKAMIES: ”Tintinnabulum et equitium dans le latin finlandais du moyen âge”, pp. 80–82.
  • U. KNOCHE: ”Der Gedanke der Freundschaft in Senecas Briefen an Lucilius”, pp. 83–96.
  • Heikki KOSKENNIEMI: ”Cicero über die Briefarten (genera epistularum)”, pp. 97–102.
  • J. MAROUZEAU: ”Ordre des mots et realia”, pp. 103–7.
  • Eino MIKKOLA: ”Pluraris rarior" bei Isokrates”, pp. 108–22.
  • Tauno F. MUSTANOJA: ”Latin and French Proverbs in the Fourteenth-Century MS. D 2.12 of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge”, pp. 123–31.
  • Päivö OKSALA: ”Über die Einstellung Ciceros zum lexikalischen Purismus”, pp. 132–37.
  • Gunnar RUDBERG (†): ”Kunstprosa und Hymnenstil”, pp. 138–44.
  • Torsten STEINBY: ”L'Istituto Finlandese a Roma”, pp. 145–53.
  • Joh. SUNDWALL: ”Parallelismo fra Grecia e Italia nelle migrazioni preistoriche”, pp. 154–58.
  • J. SUOLAHTI: ”The Origin of the Poet Catullus”, pp. 159–71.
  • J. SVENNUNG: ”Numero = Nr.”, pp. 172–83.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Hos alethós und Verwandtes”, pp. 184–89.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Observatio critica ad Procli in Platonis rem publicam commentarios (Vol. II, p. 113, 10 Kroll)”, pp. 190–91.
  • Veikko VÄÄNÄNEN: ”Sur la préposition latine de marquant la notion partitive”, pp. 192–98.
  • Henrik ZILLIACUS: ”The Stolen Anchor”, pp. 199–208.






Supplementum I: ”Tuomo Pekkanen, The Ethnic Origin of the doulospóroi (1968)


Supplementum II: ”Studia in honorem Iiro Kajanto (1985)


  • Géza ALFÖLDY: ”Ein neues Zeugnis für "suprafamiliare organisationen" im antiken Hispanien”, pp. 9–14.
  • E. BADIAN: ”Apollonius at Tarsus”, pp. 15–21.
  • Patrick BRUUN: ”Gloria Romanorum”, pp. 23–31.
  • Pierre GRIMAL: ”Le Dialogue des Orateurs – témoin de son temps”, pp. 33–40.
  • Anne HELTTULA: ”Post depositum militiae munus. Official Phraseology in Ammianus Marcellinus”, pp. 41–56.
  • G. L. HUXLEY: ”Kastor on the Foundation of Eleusis”, pp. 57–60.
  • Iosephus IJSEWIJN: ”De huius nympha loci (CIL VI/5, 3+ e)eiusque fortuna poetica syntagmation”, pp. 61–67.
  • Siegfried JÄKEL: ”Tí tò sofón; Einige Überlegungen zu Euripides, Bakchen 877, 897”, pp. 69–77.
  • Maarit KAIMIO: ”The Theme of Victory in Aeschylus' Oresteia and Ag. 314–316”, pp. 79–97.
  • Bengt LÖFSTEDT: ”Lexikalisches zur Vulgata”, pp. 99–107.
  • Olivier MASSON: ”Sur le nom de Bilistiché, favorite de Ptolémée II”, pp. 109–12.
  • Dag NORBERG: ”Original ou fautes de copie?”, pp. 113–23.
  • Ulla NYBERG: ”Zu den inschriftlichen Kontraktionen von dominus in der sakralen und in der profanen Bedeutung”, pp. 125–41.
  • Martti NYMAN: ”The Meaning of micarius”, pp. 143–45.
  • Teivas OKSALA: ”Carmen Vergili? abituri (Catal. 5)”, pp. 147–52.
  • Silvio PANCIERA: ”Qualche nuova iscrizione urbana d'interesse onomastico”, pp. 153–83.
  • Francois PASCHOUD: ”Le début de l'ouvrage historique d'Olympiodore”, pp. 185–96.
  • Tuomo PEKKANEN: ”Notes on Tac. Germ. 46,3”, pp. 197–213.
  • Reijo PITKÄRANTA: ”Zur wissenschaftlichen Terminologie einer mathematischen Dissertation in Turku 1645”, pp. 215–27.
  • Heikki SOLIN: ”Namenpaare”, pp. 229–59.
  • Giancarlo SUSINI: ”Una memoria fotografica della tradizione bolognese di C. Mario”, pp. 261–72.
  • Ronald SYME: ”Praesens the Friend of Hadrian”, pp. 273–91.
  • Holger THESLEFF: ”Notes on the Name of Homer and the Homeric Question”, pp. 293–314.
  • P. G. WALSH: ”Catullus 17 and the Priapean”, pp. 315–22.
  • Rolf WESTMAN: ”Neues Licht auf New Fragment 8 des Diogenes von Oinoanda”, pp. 323–28.
  • Ladislav VIDMAN: ”Frauen der Senatoren in der Nomenklatur ihrer Sklaven und Freigelassenen”, pp. 329–36.
  • Toivo VILJAMAA: ”The Accusativus cum Infinitivo and quod-, quia-, quoniam-clauses in Latin”, pp. 337–49.
  • Henrik ZILLIACUS: ”Ein verlorener Papyrusbrief aus der Berliner Sammlung”, pp. 351–53.
  • Jaakko ARONEN: ”Iiro Kajanto: Bibliography of Published Works”, pp. 355–64.