The problem of pinning down the process of interpretation and analysis in ethnology


  • Sonja Hagelstam, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher University of Jyväskylä


Jouhki, Jukka & Steel, Tytti (eds.) 2016. Etnologinen tulkinta ja analyysi. Kohti avoimempaa tutkimusprosessia. (Ethnological interpretations and analysis. Towards a more open research process) Helsinki: Ethnos. 2016. 431 pp. ISBN 978-952-68509-0-0. ISSN 0357-511X.

How to Cite

Hagelstam, S. (2017). The problem of pinning down the process of interpretation and analysis in ethnology. Ethnologia Fennica, 43, 102–104. Retrieved from