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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Manuscripts for each year’s volume must be submitted by 30 June.

Author Guidelines

General guidelines

Please read the instructions carefully before submitting to facilitate fast processing of your manuscript.

Fennoscandia archaeologica is an electronic journal published online on platform. Each volume will be freely accessible on the Internet. Manuscripts for each year’s volume must be submitted by 30 June. From 2018 onwards, FA has started using the ‘Label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications’ granted by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. In short, the publication works with a double-blind peer review system. If the reviewers recommend the manuscript for publication, it is returned with comments to the author(s) for revision. The final decision on the publication will be made by the editor(s)-in-chief. More information about the peer-review process, as well as on the documentation of the peer-review process can be found from: Final version containing all articles of each volume of Fennoscandia archaeologica is published annually in December, but manuscripts of research articles will become available online once the peer-review and editing process is finished. ‘Notes & news‘ and ‘Book reviews‘ sections are published in December with the final version of the volume.  


The language of the publication is English. Please make sure that the language is checked by a native speaker or a professional translator. The maximum length of the article excluding figure captions and the list of references should not exceed 60000 symbols (including spaces) – longer contributions will be considered on case-by-case basis. Notes, news, and reviews should not exceed 15000 symbols. An abstract of 100–150 words should accompany articles but not shorter contributions. 4–6 keywords should be listed below the abstract. The article may include maximum of ten illustrations (photos, drawings, maps) or tables. Author information must be provided only on a separate covering letter. Please indicate all the authors in the covering letter. The manuscript should include a list of references and a separate list of figure captions. Please, anonymize the word document containing your manuscript before submitting. However, please do not remove your own work from the list of references.

Organise the main text clearly. Three levels of headings and subheadings can be used. Indicate hierarchy by using CAPITALS in headings, italics in first-level subheading and regular text in second-level subheadings. Do not use numbering in headings and subheadings. Avoid any formatting of the text. Separate paragraphs by empty rows, do not use paragraph formatting, or hyphenation. Italics can be used to emphasise certain words or where necessary (foreign phrases, titles of books etc.) – use emphasis sparingly. Bold or different fonts cannot be used. Additional information may be given in endnotes. However, avoid their unnecessary use and do not use footnotes. Information about funding and other participants of the research process (not included as coauthors) must be identified in a separate acknowledgements-section, not in endnotes.  All names and words in other alphabets than Latin must be in their transliterated form in the body text and in the list of references. In general, the BGN/PCGN standard is applied for transliteration of Cyrillic alphabet in this journal, with exceptions considering letters ̘, ̽, and ̻ (see transliteration table). For transliteration of other alphabets, please contact the editors.


Maps, site-plans, photographs, and other illustrations are referred to as figures – all figures must be referred to in the text (Fig. 1, Figs. 2–3, etc.). Colour illustrations may be submitted, as they can be published online. During initial submission of manuscript, embed any illustrations or tables with captions into the text file on suitable locations. After manuscript acceptance all figures should be submitted as separate files. Identify individual files with author’s name and the number of table/illustration. Illustrations must have self-explanatory captions and should include the name of the photographer, author of a drawing, or a reference to a cited source. A separate list of captions to figures and tables must be provided. Make sure that you provide images with appropriate (but not exaggerated) resolution: prefer minimum 300 dpi for photographs, halftones and greyscale, 600 dpi for line art and combinations. Illustrations must be provided in one of the following formats: jpg., .tif, .eps, .psd, .ai, .cdr. All tables should be provided as .xls/.xlsx (or the like) – do not submit tables as images. Illustrations should be prepared to the desired size befitting the area of B5 paper. The size of symbols and lettering should not be smaller than 8 pt. The use of fonts in illustrations is not restricted (although Arial, Courier, and Times are preferred), but use uniform lettering and sizing in your illustrations. Avoid dense background-shading in line drawings and tables.

Notes on style

Use uniform style throughout the text. Use British forms of the words (e.g., litre, metre, colours, artefact), and -ise, -isa, -isi / -ize, -iza, -izi forms consistently. Punctuation: All sentences should end to a full stop / question mark / exclamation mark. In the case of parentheses or quotation marks in a sentence, do not use double punctuation in the end. Use only hyphen (-) or en dash (–) between words (e.g., so-called, small-scale, above-mentioned, well-developed), em dash (—) is not used at all.

Capitalisation: Follow capitalisation used in English language, i.e., capitalise personal and place names, cardinal points, national and regional adjectives, religions, deities, days, months, brand names, titles, etc. Capitalise also all periods (Stone Age, Middle Ages, but medieval). Additionally, capitalize north, south, east, and west when they refer to regions or cultures.

Abbreviations: Abbreviations may be used for commonly known quantities (m, km, m2). However, do not use abbreviations of cardinal points (N, NE, E, SE, etc.; instead north, north-east, east, south-east, etc.). Note punctuation and form of following abbreviations: c. / e.g., / etc. /Fig. / i.e., / et al. / in press / pers.comm. / a.m. / Mrs/. Do not use italics on these common abbreviations.

Foreign terms: Terms given in different language may be indicated by giving them in parentheses preceded by 2-letter country code (ISO), e.g., example (Fi. esimerkki).

Saami languages/terms: The used Saami language in which the Saami terms are given should be indicated and used coherently. Also, prefer either Saami, Sami or Sámi systematically.

Quotations: Use single inverted commas on all occasions, do not use double quotes. Quotations above 40 words should be extracted and indented, and no quotation marks are used.

Numerals: Spell out numerals from one to nine, but always use numerals for ages, measurements and percentages. Use figure dash (–) between two numerals (not hyphen). Use full stop instead of comma between integer and decimals in fraction numbers (1.5 not 1,5). Leave an empty space between numeral and abbreviation (10 m2, not 10m2). Do not use superscript in sequence numbers (16th century, not 16th century). When marking time, please note the following examples: 4000–3000 calBC, AD 100–150, the first quarter of the 3rd millennium BC (not I quarter of the II mill. BC), the mid-14th century, the 14th-century manor, 1 April 2015, the 1880s.

Radiocarbon datings: All radiocarbon datings should be given in full, and in the following form: 4454±42 BP (Hela-2812), 411±55 BP (Wk-10180). Calibrated dates should be marked as calAD, calBC, and the used calibration programme and curve should be indicated.


References in the text should be marked according to the Harvard (name-year) system, listed in chronological order: (Nordman 1968: 23–25; Descola & Pálsson 1996). When citing to a work by more than two authors, the reference should read: (Kinnunen et al. 1985: Fig. 1). Use a semicolon to separate multiple references and letters a, b, c, etc., to distinguish between the works by the same author published in the same year: (Olsen 1998a; 1998b). Do not use ibid., op. cit., f., ff., or other related expressions. All references in the text, captions, and illustrations should appear in the reference list and vice versa. In the reference list, alphabetise ä/å/æ according to a, and ö/ø according to o. References in the list of references must be given under the following headings: Personal communication; Archival sources; Unpublished sources; Literature. Follow closely the examples given below. Note that italics are used to mark a published book or journal – otherwise italics are not used. The place of publishing and the name of publisher are given only in the case of monographs, not for publication series or periodicals. In English references, capitalise all words (apart from definite/indefinite articles, conjunctions, prepositions) in the titles of monographs, publication series and periodicals, but not of the articles. In other cases, the conventions of capitalisation of the particular language are valid. When applicaple, add DOI identifiers in the reference list. 

Although the examples are divided according to their type, only provide the references in alphabethical order. Please, do not divide the references according to their type.

Personal communication: The name of informant, title, type of communication, date.

P. Virtanen, engineer, e-mail to the author, 31 March 2015.

Archival sources: Host-institution, location, the name of the collection: catalogue or collection number or signum (if available).

Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki, the Folklore Archives: Pielavesi. Tiitinen, M. 9. 3186.

Unpublished sources: The name of the author(s) year. Title. Type of source, place of storage, location.

Pälsi, S. 1937. Kivikauden asuinpaikka Vi.l. Pyhäjärven Konnitsassa Antti Äijön ja Tyynelän mailla. Research report, National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki.

Taipale, N. 2012. Micro vs. macro: A microwear analysis of quartz artefacts from two Finnish Late Mesolithic assemblages with comments on the earlier macrowear results, wear preservation and tool blank selection. M.A. Thesis, Archaeology, University of Helsinki.

Literature: A monograph (not in a publication series): The name of the author(s) year. Title (in italics). Place of publishing: publisher.

Kivikoski, E. 1973. Die Eisenzeit Finnlands. Helsinki: The Finnish Antiquarian Society.

Johnson, M. 1996. An Archaeology of Capitalism. Oxford: Blackwell.

A monograph (in a publication series): The name of the author(s) year. Title (in italics). Title of the publication series and volume number.

Lavento, M. 2001. Textile Ceramics in Finland and on the Karelian Isthmus. Nine Variations and Fugue on the Theme of C. F. Meinander. Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistyksen Aikakauskirja 109

An article (in a collection of articles): The name of the author(s) year. Title. In editor’s(’) name(s) (ed./eds.) The name of the collection (in italics): pages. Title of the publication series and volume number (if any), otherwise Place of publishing: publisher.

Carpelan, C., Uino, P. & Gerasimov, D. V. 2008. Archaeology in the former Municipality of Johannes. In M. Lavento & K. Nordqvist (eds.) Karelian Isthmus. Stone Age Studies 1998–2003: 185–214. Iskos 16.

Kristiansen, K. 1991. Chiefdoms, states, and systems of social evolution. In T. Earle (ed.) Chiefdoms. Power, Economy and Ideology: 16–43. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

An article (in a periodical): The name of the author(s) year. Title. Title of the periodical/journal (in italics) Volume (issue): pages.

Bernotas, R. 2013. Brick-making in medieval Livonia: The Estonian example. Estonian Journal of Archaeology 17(2): 139–156.

Ingold, T. & Kurttila, T. 2000. Perceiving the environment in Finnish Lapland. Body & Society 6(3–4): 18396.

Electronic sources: Place electronic sources under the appropriate heading above and give the reference accordingly. If relevant, add the internet address (URL or DOI) and the date of accession.

Kataja, R. 2013. Katoaako kulttuuriperintömme maailmalle? <> Read 15 February 2015.

Do not add any links for references published in journals, periodicals or series that are also available in print and/or easily available through the pages of major publishing houses, library databases or other portals!

Transliteration table

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