Immigrants Paths to Employment in Finland
immigration, integration, employment, social capitalAbstract
The aim of this study was to investigate how immigrants have integrated into Finnishlife from the standpoints of employment. The empirical research material consisted
of 30 interviews with immigrants and four interviews with of? cials and others dealing
with immigrant affairs.
Factors promoting employment of immigrants were the voluntary nature of the
immigration, educational quali? cations as demonstrated by the relevant certi? cates
and knowledge of the Finnish language. One in three reported that they had ? rst
received information about vacancies from the Employment Of? ce, and one in ? ve by
approaching the employer directly asking for work. One in seven had found out about
jobs through friends.
How to Cite
Pehkonen, A. (2006). Immigrants Paths to Employment in Finland. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, 42, 113–128.