Ammatin induktiovaiheessa olevien lastentarhanopettajan tehtävissä toimivien arvioita työnkuvastaan, osaamisestaan ja työn kuormittavuudesta


  • Eeva-Leena Onnismaa Helsingin yliopisto, Finland
  • Leena Tahkokallio Helsingin yliopisto, Finland
  • Jyrki Reunamo Helsingin yliopisto, Finland
  • Lasse Lipponen Helsingin yliopisto, Finland


Early childhood teacher profession, Lastentarhanopettajan ammatti, induction, induktiovaihe, job description, työnkuva, work stress, työn kuormittavuus


In this article, we study recently graduated employees who work as kindergarten teachers and who have completed either university degree (kindergarten teacher) or polytechnic degree (social pedagogue). We compare the respondents’ conception of their work profiles, perceived competencies and stress. The data consist of a survey answers (N = 54), that were analyzed by applying quantitative methods. Both respondent groups recognized the ambiguities in job description and division of labour between kindergarten teachers and nursery nurses. Both respondent groups had difficulties in getting time for planning and preparation work, however, the social pedagogues found this issue more problematic. The difference was statistically significant. Overall, the social pedagogues evaluated their work stress being heavier than teachers with kindergarten teacher’s training. The number of statistically significant differences was not many, but the evaluations give a wholesome picture of the differences between employees who work as kindergarten teachers with different educational backgrounds.


