Lastentarhanopettaja lasten autonomian tukijana varhaiskasvatuksessa
Autonomy, Autonomia, supporting autonomy, autonomian tukeminen, teacher-child-relationship, opettaja-lapsi-suhde, early childhood education, varhaiskasvatusAbstract
One basic human psychological need is the need for autonomy, which begins to develop from the age of two years. However, empirical studies on autonomy in the context of early childhood education and care (ECEC) are scarce. In the present study, we explore kindergarten teachers’ perspectives on the autonomy of children from the ages of 4 to 5 years, within the context of ECEC. Our data consist of observations, diaries, essays, and interviews with kindergarten teachers. Our aim is to determine how teachers describe children’s autonomy in the practices of ECEC and how they pedagogically support their autonomy. The data of this qualitative study are analyzed via using content analysis and narrative analysis. Our results suggest that kindergarten teachers perceive autonomy as a range of manifestations of autonomy, growing skills and self-determination. This kind of autonomy includes children’s autonomy in the following tasks and skills: daily practices, social skills and play, emotional skills and self-regulation, and thinking and learning. Teachers pedagogically support autonomy through, in particular, a sensitive and caring teacher–child relationship. We describe five pedagogical ways to support children’s autonomy. The research findings provide new insights on understanding and supporting children’s autonomy in ECEC from the perspective of kindergarten teachers.Downloads
Peer-reviewed articles
Copyright (c) 2018 Authors & Suomen Varhaiskasvatus ry. – Association for Finnish Early Childhood Education

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