Esiopetusvuoden palvelukokonaisuudet lasten hyvinvoinnin ja yhdenvertaisuuden näkökulmista


  • Anni Kauppinen Jyväskylän yliopisto, Finland
  • Maarit Alasuutari Jyväskylän yliopisto, Finland


pre-primary education, esiopetus, early childhood education, varhaiskasvatus, welfare, hyvinvointi, equality, yhdenvertaisuus


The aim of this study is to examine how are the arrangements of education and care of children in pre-primary education organized in Finnish municipalities. The organization of education and care is analyzed from the viewpoint of children’s welfare and equality. In the analysis of welfare, the focus is in the factors that impact interaction and the stability of education and care. Ten managers of early childhood education from different municipalities were interviewed. The results show that the organization of education and care of children in pre-primary education vary considerably in the municipalities, especially, when considering the stability of education and care. Pre-primary education and its complementary care can be arranged in one, two or even three different classes. The classes can be situated in different premises. In addition, differences were found in the factors that impact interaction. In all, the variation between and within the municipalities in the education and care services of children in pre-primary education seems to be wide, and may risk the educational equality of children.






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