Laadukas varhaiskasvatus on myös feministinen kysymys


  • Siri Törölä University of Helsinki, Finland


equality, feminismi, feminism, laadukas varhaiskasvatus, high quality early childhood education, tasa-arvo


Childcare has long been an important issue for different kinds of sororities. This discussion considers the potential connections between high-quality institutional early childhood education and feminism. At the moment, mothers utilize the most part of the parental leave. The discussion considers the position of the mother in the family and society. There are many reasons for the mother to take care of the child at home. The discussion scrutinizes how the mother’s view of the quality of institutional early childhood education reflects her choice about taking care of the child. From the feminist perspective it is also important to consider the mother’s economic situation and care responsibilities in her family. The discussion brings up the potential effects of long-term childcare at home to the mother’s economy and career development after returning to paid work.






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