Eksperttiopettajan kielikasvatuksen käyttöteoria monikielisten lasten varhaiskasvatuksessa
bilingual education, kaksikielinen opetus, early childhood education, käyttöteoria, multilingualism, monikielisyys, practical theories, varhaiskasvatusAbstract
In this case study we examine the practical theory of an expert teacher implementing bilingual pedagogy (Finnish-Swedish) in early childhood education with multilingual children. Practical theory refers to the pedagogical vision that guides a teacher’s actions and the focus of this study is the expert teacher’s practical theory regarding the use of different languages. The two research questions address the key aspects of the teacher’s practical theory and how these aspects related to the different languages. The dataset from two interviews with the expert teacher were thematically analyzed. The findings show that the teacher’s practical theory is constructed from a core value (equality of languages) and various aims and principles (e.g., mutual learning, supporting language-identities and pedagogical tact) that were closely intertwined. The findings suggest that in the expert teacher’s use of Finnish and Swedish the intent was to expand the children’s language resources whereas in the use of the children’s home language the purpose was to acknowledge and utilize their languages while creating language appreciation.Downloads
Peer-reviewed articles
Copyright (c) 2021 Authors & Suomen Varhaiskasvatus ry. – Association for Finnish Early Childhood Education

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