Suosituksia monikielisten lasten varhaisten matemaattisten taitojen tukemiseen – Temaattinen synteesi




early childhood education and care, early mathematical skills, multilingualism


The aim of this thematic synthesis is to synthesize and analyze recommendations presented in previous research for supporting multilingual children's early mathematical skills. A search of major databases yielded five articles published between 2011 and 2020. According to the three-stage procedure of thematic synthesis, we first coded the recommendations in the articles. Second, we formed 12 descriptive themes, which were grouped into four categories: (1) strengthening mathematical agency with culturally responsible methods, (2) enabling math talk, (3) making the mathematical learning environment visible in everyday life, and (4) strengthening mathematical and academic language skills. In the third step, we generated an analytical model based on the descriptive themes. According to the analytical model, early childhood education professionals can support early mathematical skills of multilingual children by (1) making mathematical activities culturally relevant, (2) becoming aware of their own preconceptions about learning mathematics and language, and shifting the perspective from weaknesses to strengths, and (3) enabling versatile ways to participate in math talk on a regular basis. Synthesizing the recommendations complements the limited Finnish research literature on supporting multilingual children's early mathematical skills. We reflect the recommendations to Finland’s national core curriculum for early childhood education and care. Thus, the results of this study can be used to support the planning of pedagogical activities in early childhood education.


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