Special teacher’s pedagogical work in the social systems of early childhood education





early childhood special teacher, pedagogical work, social systems, systems intelligence


The child has the right to the services of an early childhood special education teacher (ECSET). ECSET works as part of the social systems of early childhood education, i.e., in interaction among the children of early childhood education units and groups, with adults, and in the interaction between children and adults. This article examines the experiences and observations of ECSET about pedagogical work in social systems of early childhood education. The four dimensions of the system intelligence concept launched by Esa Saarinen and Raimo P. Hämäläinen serve as the starting point for the descriptions written by ECSETs (N=14) that we use as research data, through which we have identified and interpreted interactive pedagogical activities. The data were analyzed according to thematic analysis. According to the results, the ECSET’s pedagogical work combines focused observation, pedagogical activity and the creation of common understanding, all of which take place within the framework of expertise. In the writings of ECSETs, observation appears as a multidimensional way of working that interlinks all the aspects of work, combined with special education and consultation. The results illustrate the dimensions of the pedagogical work of an ECSET and enable the development of their work in a current situation where the work practices of ECSETs take shape in local and personal practices of professionals.


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