Pienten lasten huumorin rakentuminen ”Mua kikattaa kun mä teen jekkuja”



humour, early childhood education, children's perspectives, working culture


The study deals with the humor of children under school age in kindergarten. The data consists of video material from five kindergartens and seven groups, observation diaries, children's expressions of humor collected by early childhood education professionals and nursing students, and responses to a questionnaire for educators. Analysis of the video material was implemented as multimodal content analysis, which was supported by examining observation diaries and humor expressions. Further, the analysis of the survey was carried out as a qualitative content analysis. There are special features in the humor of young children that early childhood education personnel should find useful to understand. It is not joking, but humor occurs in everyday games and routines in loose and spontaneous manner. The humor of small children is bodily: sounds, gestures, facial expressions and actions as well as later also verbal humor. Scatological humor, hyper fun and carnivalesque activities are the humor styles of young children. They are not always accepted by adults. The operating culture and atmosphere of early childhood education have an impact on how many opportunities children have to use humor. The conclusion of the study states that young children have versatile humor skills, which adults could even learn from. It would be necessary to present the pedagogical possibilities of humor more than currently, also in early childhood education plans and in-service education of early childhood personnel. 


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