Shamanistic ecstasy and supernatural beings: a study based on field-work among the Kalash Kafirs of Chitral


  • Halfdan Siiger


Anthropology -- Field work, Nuristani (Asian people), Experience (Religion), Shamanism -- Bibliography, Shamanism, Shamans, Ecstasy, Trance, Altered states of consciousness, Spirits


The paper presents Kafir shamanism and discusses the problem of the relationship of the supernatural beings and the shaman. When approached in the proper way, the supernatural beings may intervene in favour of the people. This intervention becomes manifest through symptoms beyond human control, i.e. through ceremonial shivering, etc. The supernatural beings may also give their help in a higher degree through replies to questions, and through dreams to the dehar when he is in an unconscious state. These interventions may take two forms: either the solving of an immediate problem which the people cannot solve for themselves, or warnings concerning future dangerous events.



How to Cite

Siiger, H. (1967). Shamanistic ecstasy and supernatural beings: a study based on field-work among the Kalash Kafirs of Chitral. Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, 1, 69–81.