An Interest in Silence: Tracing, Defining and Negotiating a Research Project on Women’s Same-Sex Sexuality in Greece. 23–40.


  • Venetia Kantsa Sukupuolentutkimus, Turun yliopisto


This paper traces the story of a research on samesex relationships among women in contemporary Greece, describes research methodologies, and discusses researcher’s motives and positionality. The absence of a strong lesbian movement and the silence, which surrounds women’s same-sex relationships in modern Greece due to particularly strong family and kinship relationships, influenced the ways the topic of the research was defined, and the methodologies that were adopted. Moreover, the same silence had significant implications for the researcher’s positionality and defined and influenced her relationships in and out of the field.

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Kantsa, V. (2011). An Interest in Silence: Tracing, Defining and Negotiating a Research Project on Women’s Same-Sex Sexuality in Greece. 23–40. SQS – Suomen Queer-tutkimuksen Seuran lehti, 5(1). Noudettu osoitteesta