Lectio præcursoria—Economies of care and politics of return: Sustaining life among injivas and their families in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe



A lectio præcursoria is a short presentation read out loud by a doctoral candidate at the start of a public thesis examination in Finland. It introduces the key points or central argument of the thesis in a way that should make the ensuing discussion between the examinee and the examiner apprehensible to the audience, many of whom may be unfamiliar with the candidate’s research or even anthropological research in general.

Research reports



How to Cite

Hansen, S. (2024). Lectio præcursoria—Economies of care and politics of return: Sustaining life among injivas and their families in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 48(1), 71–76. https://doi.org/10.30676/jfas.138684