Perinteen ja yksilöllistymisen ristipaineessa

Nuoret aikuiset ja kaste

  • Hanna Salomäki


The conflict of tradition and individualization: Young adults and baptism

The occasional offices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland have played a key role in the church’s interaction with Finns. Still, participation in the occasional offices has significantly declined: only 62% of children were baptized in 2019 (89% in 2000). The aim of this article is to analyse the role of religious ceremonies among young adults and reasons to baptize or not baptize one’s own child. The article is based on a survey which was sent to the parents of preschool children (0–6 years) (N=1036). It appeared that the main motives for baptism are related to tradition and custom. Various religious reasons emerged as having significant role for not baptizing: parents were not members of the church, did not feel connected to it or did not consider themselves believers.

Sep 7, 2021
Salomäki, H. (2021). Perinteen ja yksilöllistymisen ristipaineessa: Nuoret aikuiset ja kaste. Uskonto, katsomus ja kasvatus, 1(1). Noudettu osoitteesta