Kasteenliiton uudistuksesta elämänmatkalle saattamiseen

Millaista konfirmaation teologiaa konfirmaatiovirret 1938–2016 ilmaisevat?

  • Vesa Nuorva


From completing baptismal initiation to accompanying on a life journey: The theology of confirmation in Finnish hymnals 1938–2016

This article systematically analyses the theological transition of confirmation hymns in Finnish hymnals published in 1938–2016. The article is structured chronological­ly, to determine a line of development of hymn content over the period of 80 years. The idea of completing baptismal initiation, according to Pietism, appears in the confirmation hymns of the 1938 hymnal, although the subject has been theologically controversial since the late 19th century. In later hymnals, the theme is replaced by the notion of confirmation as accompanying young people on their life journey. This theological transition can be argued by the theology of creation. The Lutheran World Federation expresses this calling in confirmation as an invitation to the life­long journey of faith.

Sep 7, 2021
Nuorva, V. (2021). Kasteenliiton uudistuksesta elämänmatkalle saattamiseen: Millaista konfirmaation teologiaa konfirmaatiovirret 1938–2016 ilmaisevat?. Uskonto, katsomus ja kasvatus, 1(1). Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/ukk/article/view/110895