Die eigene Stimme finden – Perspektivität als Herausforderung im Schreibkompetenzerwerb von SchülerInnen
Schreibkompetenz, Sachtexte, PerspektivitätAbstract
This article concerns students problems in developing points of views in writing non-fictional texts. Nonfictional texts are assumed as a fundament for building competences in scientific writing. The acquisition of basic rules of scientific writing is partly a task of the secondary level, especially at the end of the curriculum. In a study carried out with 12th-graders of an Austrian vocational secondary school the writing task was to compose a non-fictional text using secondary literature and whatever information, that would be useful (and reliable) to the topic chosen by the writer. Under the presupposition that elaborated non-fictional writing requires the capability of actualizing different points of view in the text and the comprehensible change of perspectives – from referred information to the author's opinion etc. – the results show that students have serious problems in applying at least the basic characteristics of nonfictional texts in their own writing. The article discusses theoretical approaches, results of the study and considerations on how the notion of developing points of view in non-fictional text can be realizedThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.