Methodische Herausforderungen der Analyse intertextueller Bezüge – am Beispiel von Editorials in Kundenzeitschriften


  • Margit Breckle Universität Vaasa
  • Mona Enell-Nilsson Universität Vaasa


Editorial, Intertextualität, Kundenzeitschrift, Methode


Our paper deals with intertextual references in German, Swedish and Finnish editorials. The study is based on 45 editorials in the customer magazines Apotheken Umschau, Apoteket and Terveydeksi, which are the most widely spread customer magazines in the pharmacy sector in Germany, Sweden and Finland. A first, qualitative analysis of our corpus showed that intertextual references range from explicit ones including several linguistic features of intertextuality to implicit ones without evident linguistic features at all (Breckle und Enell-Nilsson 2015). In order to be able to make a further comparison between languages, a quantification of various aspects seems to be indispensable. However, this brings about methodological challenges. This paper deals with two quantifications and their challenges: Firstly, the quantification of reference texts to which the intertextual features refer raises the question how to deal with split references and secondary reference texts. Secondly, the quantification of linguistic features within the intertextual references leads to a complex puzzle with several qualitative factors which should be taken into account, e.g. the combination of attributes.

