Sarjakuvan nonverbaalien viestien välittyminen käännöksessä


  • Eliisa Pitkäsalo Tampereen yliopisto


multimodaalisuus, sarjakuvan efektit, sarjakuvan kääntäminen


A comic book is a publication in the form of sequential juxtaposed panels which combine both verbal and visual expression in a variety of ways. The sequence of drawings includes not only images and written texts but also many graphic signs such as speech bubbles, speed lines, sound effects as well as graphic and pictorial symbols, all of which reinforce the joint effect of the words and images. The reader thus receives an even stronger message. Through the overall multimodal effect of comics, the reader may feel the speed, hear the sounds, smell the aromas and even taste the flavours. The many effects and pictorial symbols used in comics are culture-specific. This challenges the translator, especially if there is no possibility to make any change in the graphic features of the panel. When translating the entire multimodality of comics, the translator has the challenging task of transferring the written text as well as the nonverbal messages of comics from one language and cultural environment to another. In this article, I examine some of the nonverbal features that comics can transmit.

