Ilmakehän pienhiukkasten muodostumisen merkitys ilmastolle ja ilmanlaadulle
ilmakehätiede, ilmakehätutkimusAbstrakti
Atmospheric CO2 concentrations are increasing. However, the total effect of ecosystems on climate is more complex than just the carbon balance. Ecosystems have a key role in aerosol formation in the atmosphere, which significantly contributes to the radiative balance. Without aerosols, there are no clouds or rain, and aerosols reflect part of the incoming solar radiation back to space, cooling the atmosphere. We established the SMEAR stations 25 years ago, to provide open comprehensive data. We would need similar comprehensive observations from different ecosystems globally, both for properly understanding the full climate forcing and for solving the global environmental challenges.
Copyright (c) 2024 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae

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