Nostalgia as a resource for identity construction: Valev Uibopuu’s correspondence in exile


  • Anna Hukka Helsingin yliopisto


Estonian writer Valev Uibopuu (1913–1997) lived in exile between 1943 and 1991. Throughout his exile, he conducted an active correspondence which lay the foundation for this article. I attempt to identify how nostalgia was presented and constructed in Uibopuu’s correspondence, and how he used nostalgia as a tool for identity construction. The hermeneutic and empathetic approach has assisted me in examining the letters.

The nostalgia Uibopuu felt in exile was strongly linked to the literal meaning of nostalgia – homesickness. It was linked with previously lived and experienced places, especially with a childhood home and southern Estonian nature, as well as his relatives there.

Uibopuu tried to preserve his lost home by reminiscing and dreaming. In his nostalgic remembering, Uibopuu utilised the social space of letters and material that resembled the former, such as photographs and small objects. He could thus keep his memories of home vivid. Telling who he was and where he came from helped him deal with the trauma of separation and a disrupted sense of consistency regarding identity. He did this reflectively, feeling both comfort and pain.

Keywords: nostalgia; correspondence; home; identity; Estonians in exile

How to Cite

Hukka, A. (2024). Nostalgia as a resource for identity construction: Valev Uibopuu’s correspondence in exile. Historiallinen Aikakauskirja, 121(2), 126–137.