”Sit tietää mitä sille lapselle on tapahtunut” - Alle 12-vuotiaiden lasten kuuleminen lastensuojelutyössä


  • Maritta Törrönen Helsingin yliopisto
  • Susanna Kalliola Pesäpuu ry
  • Sari-Anne Paaso Pesäpuu ry


Based on Sen’s (2009) capability approach, this article analyses the opinions of Finnish children under the care of child welfare —mainly under 12 years of age. The children were asked to answer the following question: “Why is it important for children’s needs to be heard and met by the employees of child welfare services?”                                   

The encounters between children and employees are a form of common practice in a democratic society. These practices give children experiences in how justice and fairness can be realized for them.

The research material consists of the thematically analysed written answers from 116 children who were child welfare clients during the year 2021.  The children’s desire to be heard was linked to the safeguarding of their capabilities, the possibility to make their own choices and the concepts of their body and mind, both of which are interlinked with their mental and physical well-being and safety. Encounters with employees provide young children with an introduction to how society views them as well as how they can impact the course of their own lives.




How to Cite

Törrönen, M., Kalliola, S., & Paaso, S.-A. (2023). ”Sit tietää mitä sille lapselle on tapahtunut” - Alle 12-vuotiaiden lasten kuuleminen lastensuojelutyössä. Janus, 31(2), 128–144. https://doi.org/10.30668/janus.116372