Dimensions of institutional trust and statutory pension security


  • Jyri Liukko Eläketurvakeskus
  • Liisa-Maria Palomäki Eläketurvakeskus


Recent surveys have revealed that the general trust in a pension system is significantly stronger than the trust in the details of pension security. This article examines the multidimensionality of trust in pensions by analysing open responses on factors that increase or weaken trust in statutory pension security. The main research question is the following: What kinds of dimensions of general institutional trust does the trust in pension security consist of? The research method is theoretical thematic content analysis on the most common themes of the open responses. The article shows that trust in pensions is composed of at least three dimensions. They are related to the reliability performance of the system, the outcome of pension security, that is, adequacy and fairness of pensions, and factors outside of the pension system. From another point of view, it is a question of technical administrative, social, economic, political, and societal sustainability of pension security.




How to Cite

Liukko, J., & Palomäki, L.-M. (2024). Dimensions of institutional trust and statutory pension security. Janus, 32(3), 232–249. https://doi.org/10.30668/janus.129756