Patjakasan kutsu – yhteen tulemisia ja erilleen vetäytymisiä päiväkodissa


  • Elina Viljamaa Oulun yliopisto, Finland
  • Eila Estola Oulun yliopisto, Finland
  • Jaana Juutinen Oulun yliopisto, Finland
  • Anna-Maija Puroila Oulun yliopisto, Finland


belonging, lapset, children, Merleau-Ponty, embodiment, päiväkoti, day care centre, ruumiillisuus, yhteenkuuluvuus


This article focuses on belonging at a fleeting moment in a day care centre. Belonging is understood as a phenomenon that is realized in a complex
structure, consisting of people, places, actions and their purposes (Stratigos, 2015). In the forefront of the article, there is a video-recorded situation, occurring around a
heap of mattresses in a corridor. What kinds of becoming together and apart are created in the relations between the children, the researcher who is filming, the mattresses, and other material environment at that moment? Our study is inspired by the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty's ideas as well as the post-human and new materialist research orientations. In the study, belonging appears as a constant movement. People, spaces, materials, items, structures, and actions are not static, but rather there are small flickers towards and away from each other.






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