Työn kuormittavuuden kokemusten, työn tehostamisen ja sairauspoissaolojen moni-ulotteiset yhteydet lastentarhanopettajan työssä


  • Maiju Paananen Tampereen yliopisto, Finland
  • Tuure Tammi Oulun yliopisto, Finland


early childhood education, varhaiskasvatus, kindergarten teacher, lastentarhanopettaja, sick leave, työhyvinvointi, workload, sairauspoissaolot


In this study we examine the connection between teachers’ experiences of stress, intensification measures and the amount of sick leaves of the staff in Finnish early childhood education context. Teacher’s experiences of stress are examined with the help of interviews of 13 teachers. Intensification is examined through the lens of child-staff ratio. The participants were 135 daycare centers from one municipality in Finland, with data collected using municipality’s own statistical data from three years of time. The results indicated that there has been intensification of workload between the years 2012–2014. The association between intensification and the sick leaves of the staff were found. The qualitative data revealed the complex intercon-nection between the sick leaves, the experienced stress and intensification.






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