Sitoutuneet, epävarmat ja poistujat – varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaksi opiskelevien sitoutuneisuus työelämään opintojen loppuvaiheessa


  • Essi Kantonen City of Helsinki, Head of Childcare Center, Finland
  • Eeva-Leena Onnismaa University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Jyrki Reunamo University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Leena Tahkokallio University of Helsinki, Finland


early childhood education teacher, varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja, work commitment, ammattiin sitoutuminen, career change, alan vaihto, induction, induktiovaihe


There is a shortage of qualified early childhood education (ECE) teachers in Finland and there has been assumptions that teachers leave the profession especially during the first years of teaching. However, not a lot of studies have been made on the matter. The aim of this study is to explore the factors related to ECE students’ willingness to work as ECE teachers and the factors that make students consider other career options. The study is quantitative and the data consists of a questionnaire answered by University of Helsinki early childhood education students during 2013–2017. Three groups were conducted based on students’ answers: students continuing to the profession, students hesitant of working in ECE and students who will never work in ECE. The results show that willingness to work in the field of ECE is related to work experiences before university studies, the feelings of competence and how the students feel society values their profession.






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