Miten monikielisyys ja kielitietoiset toimintatavat koetaan varhaiskasvatuksessa?
multilingualism, monikielisyys, early childhood education, varhaiskasvatus, language awareness, kielitietoisuusAbstract
Supporting multilingualism is emphasized in the current curricula of early childhood education in Finland. This article reports an analysis of the educators’ experiences of multilingualism and language aware practices. The data consists of a questionnaire addressed to the personnel (n = 86) working in a multilingual child groups, and it was analyzed using data-driven content analysis. The article focuses on the challenges and joys that the multilingual environment has brought to the educators, as well as on the findings that the perceived challenges and joys reveal about the shifts in the notions of multilingualism and language learning. The results indicate that the challenges of multilingualism entwine especially with disruptions in interaction and the feelings of uncertainty in everyday situations, as well as ideological differences and lack of resources. The main source of joy is described especially by the children: they are open-minded and proud of learning. The educators are inspired by shared everyday humorous situations and by possibilities to broaden their minds and learn new things.Downloads
Peer-reviewed articles
Copyright (c) 2020 Authors & Suomen Varhaiskasvatus ry. – Association for Finnish Early Childhood Education

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