Pedagogiikkaa poikkeusaikana – päiväkotien varhaiskasvatushenkilöstön kokemuksia pedagogiikan toteuttamisesta COVID-19-pandemian aikana



COVID-19-pandemia, varhaiskasvatus, pedagogiikka


In the spring of 2020, the state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic created new conditions for early childhood education. This study examines the experiences of early childhood education professionals in implementing pedagogy during the exceptional period. The research data consist of diaries written by early childhood education staff (n = 14), in which they describe their own and their team’s work during the exceptional period. According to the results, the conditions created both opportunities and obstacles to the implementation of pedagogy during the exceptional period. The conditions also guided the development of the implementation of pedagogy to suit the situation. During the exceptional period, four chronological phases were noticed, in which opportunities, obstacles, and pedagogical development appeared in slightly different ways. According to the results, clear operating models and goals, maintaining the interaction of the staff and utilizing the differentiated skills of the early childhood education staff promote the implementation of high-quality early childhood education and pedagogy even in the exceptional time.






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